euskal diaspora eta kultura
2022/01/06 - Sidney, Montana, AEB
Pena handiz ematen dugu Therese (Ithurbide) Bidegaray-ren heriotzaren berri.
Egiari zor, bere alabak xarmanki aipatzen du bere ama izan zena behetiago ingelesez. Baina euskaraz ere nahi dugu esan...
... eta labur esateko: pertsona izigarri polita zen Therese, edonork ukan nahiko lukeen ama, ahizpa, arreba, emaztea, amatxi edo laguna.
Arrunt fededun eta giristinoa, hala zen, bai, baina ez hitzez bakarrik, egun guziz erakutsi baitzuen bere bizian, familian, lagunekin, komunitatean, herrian, ezagutzen zuen jendearekin, ezagutzen ez zuenarekin...
Bizitza gogorra ukan zuen. Euskal Herrian errientsa zen, eta ezkondu eta berehala Montana urrun eta bakartiko arrantxu batera pasatu zen, negu izugarri gogorrekin, beti lanean, arrantxuan eta bereziki garai haietan arrantxu batean emazte batek lan egin behar zuen gisan...
Azkarra zen. Gazterik senarra galdua --55 urterekin hil zen Bert Bidegaray mendibetarra-- familia ere hola hazi zuen, sendo, baloredun, lanari eta ahaleginari balioa emanik,eta ber denboran elkarturik, maitasunez, norbera autonomo baina familiako kide, bateginik laguntza behar delarik, bera horren etsenplu.
Jendea maite zuen, eta elkartasuna, adiskidetasuna, ahuleri laguntzea ezaugarri zituen.
Emazte zinez euskaldun eta euskaltzalea zen, eta euskara ukan zuen Montanan ere etxeko eta bihotzeko hizkuntza.
Maite zuen irakurtzea, ikustea, ikastea, beti prest zen ikasteko. Sinesten zuen hezkuntzaren balioan, eta aukerak ematean, etxekoekin eta etxetik kanpokoekin.
Azkeneko Jaialdirekin batera, familia bilkura ederra --"Bidegaray Basque Family Reunion, 2015"-- antolatu zuten Boisen, familia arras gauza inportantea baitzen beretzat.
Eta ondarreko urteetan, kadera errotaduna eta guzi, bozkarioz itzuli zen Montanara Euskal Herritik, bere familia eta bilobekin sorterria bisitatu eta nondik zetozen erakutsi ahal izan zielarik, Ahatsa, Ortzaize, Mendibe, Baiona, Garazi, Bilbo, Donostia, Iruñea...
EuskalKultura-ko irakurle zen eta 2021eko urriaren 21ean bidali zizkigun bere azkeneko hitzak: "Agur, plazerrekin irakurtzen ditugu zuen artikuluak", izan ere ardura ibiltzen zen-eta Facebook eta sare sozialetan.
Faltan emango ditugu bere like eta komentarioak.
Goian Bego Therese. Gogoan ukanen zitugu.
ELIZKIZUNAK: Mezak eginen dira Thereseren arimaren alde Sidneyn larunbatean, urtarrilaren 15an, goizeko 10:30, St Matthew eliza katolikoan; eta Ahatsa bere sorterrian, Alzieta auzoan, ordu berean, goizeko 10:30etan baita ere.
Goian gogoan gugan bego (GB)
Bere heriotz-oharra ingelesez:
Thérèse Dominica Françoise Bidegaray was born to Jean and Catherine (Partarrieu) Ithurbide on October 16, 1930, in Ahaxe, France, in the Pyrenees Mountains along the border of France and Spain (Euskadi—The Basque Country), as the second of seven children. She was fortunate to be selected to get a Catholic School education, ultimately earning her teaching degree. She taught for seven years, first in Ossès, and then in Hasparren. On February 15, 1958, at the age of 27, she married Bert Bidegaray who had returned to France for a few-month visit after living and working in eastern Montana for the previous seven years. Soon after the wedding, the new couple arrived in eastern Montana where Thérèse (Mom) experienced her first brutal winter. Living 42 miles from Sidney, not knowing the language, did not impede Mom from making the best of it. Mom learned English by listening to the radio and voraciously reading the books she anticipated receiving from the various Book-of-the Month clubs to which she subscribed.
In her first year in Montana, Mom survived the loss of her first child, the loss of Dad’s uncle John Sallaberry on whose place she and Dad were living, and the loss of her father in France. Mom, who had not spent much time cooking in France, mastered it and spent the next 36 years preparing countless meals for her family, hired help, and drop-ins on the farm and 20 more years doing the same in town. In addition to the many meals she cooked, Mom made bread and soup almost daily. In the summers, Mom raised a huge garden and beautified the yard with flowers in each flower bed, not an easy feat in the often-dry, almost-always windy eastern Montana climate. Throughout the year, Mom sewed and knitted. Mom was very creative as she often used her sewing and knitting skills to make things without a pattern. One year, she knitted each of her daughters a coat for Easter. Mom was always put together, poised, and classy. She had fingernails that could rival those of any fingernail model, always manicured and painted. Marlin, from The Lodge, came and did her make-up and nails the afternoon before she died, and Mom lit up!
After losing their first child, Mom and Dad had six children. Largely influenced by their Basque heritage, they raised their children to be strong, hard-working, independent-thinking individuals. Mom felt fortunate to see that her children were also raising their children to be the same. Being so far from her birth family, Mom’s children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren were her world.
Mom was only 53 when Dad died. She continued to live on the farm for another 10 years, five and one-half of them as an empty nester. Before he died, Dad had built an in-door swimming pool at the farmhouse. Mom used that space for many community gatherings and for her and many neighbors to learn to swim, all of which gave her great joy. Mom loved to play cards, especially pinochle, and looked forward to card parties. She loved her friends and neighbors in the Elmdale, Mona, and Charlie Creek communities.
In 1994, Mom moved into Sidney, where she made new friends with her neighbors and others. Mom took up painting with oils and watercolor and was so prolific with her art that almost every child and grandchild has some of her original work. Mom enjoyed cheering her children and grandchildren as they participated in sports and other extra-curricular activities. She also enjoyed watching college and professional sports. Mom especially enjoyed the NBA. Among her favorites were Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Steph Curry. She had a Steph Curry jersey and lived to see him break the three-point shot record!
Mom was a life-long Catholic, formed by the values and morals of her family and her Catholic education, which was instrumental in the way she formed her children, all of whom carry on those values and morals. Mom said more than one rosary each day, even to the last days of her life. In all situations, Mom advocated for the underdog. Mom had a razor-sharp intellect, believed in education, and encouraged it in every way. She kept apprised of world news, reading the paper daily. Mom looked forward to completing the daily newspaper crossword puzzle. She wanted to keep her mind sharp. Despite her age, Mom used the internet and social media like a pro. Mom’s iPad was a window to the world. When Mom first came to Montana, she had to wait months for communications from her family; in the last years of her life, Mom marveled that she was able to communicate by Skype daily with her siblings in France. Having survived occupied France during World War II, Mom had strong political views that she was not afraid to share.
Mom died on the morning of January 6, 2022. She is survived by her six children: Kathy Bidegaray (and her children, Brett Irigoin, Jacqueline Stensland, Dominique Irigoin, Danielle Irigoin, and Alex Irigoin); Michele Bidegaray (and her children, Bert Certain, Courtney Certain, and Patrick Certain); Debbie Berry (Phil) (and their children, Camille Berry, Grant Berry, Jack Berry); Beverly Anderson (Dave) (and their children, Garret Anderson, Mason Anderson, and Olivia Anderson); Daniel Bidegaray (and his sons, Nicholas Bidegaray, Andre Bidegaray, and Dominic Bidegaray); and Mary Bidegaray (David) (and their children, Netsanet Kim, Tigist Kim, and Mimi Kim). She is also survived by her siblings, Felix Ithurbide, Andre Ithurbide, Marthe Heguy, and Jean Leon Ithurbide. She is preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Bert Bidegaray; her son, D. Bidegaray; her sister, Mayi Palacio; and her brother, Joseph Ithurbide.
Thank you to The Lodge staff where Mom lived the last six years. Instead of flowers, please donate to your favorite charity. Donations made to the family will be used for a scholarship to a non-family member. Some of Mom’s favorite charities were Maryknoll, Emmaus House, St. Joseph’s Indian School, and St. Bonaventure Indian Mission & School.
FUNERAL: Masses for Therese's soul will be said on Saturday, January 15, in both Sidney and Ahatsa. In Sidney at 10:30am. at St. Matthew's Catholic Church; in Ahatsa, his hometown, in the Alzieta district also at 10:30 am.
Goian Gogoan Gugan Bego (GB) - May She Rest in Peace
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