euskal diaspora eta kultura


Peio Aphessetche

Peio Aphessetche
Peio Aphessetche (1955 - 2024)

2024/10/07 - Donibane Garazi, Nafarroa Beherea

Uharte-Garazi - Yorba Linda, California. emaztea, Kattin Iribarne Sorhouet; alabak:  Françoise Aphessetche eta Lisa Aphessetche Elsbury; alabak; suhia Michael Elsbury; bilobak (semetxi-alabatxiak), Angelica (†) eta Anthony. Aphessetche, Iribarne, Rosairo familiak, Fiore, Domecq, Moutrousteguy, anaia-arrebak. ilobak doluz adierazten dizute Peio Aphessetche jauna zendu dela 89 urte zituela. Elizkizunak ostiralean, 2024ko urriaren 11an, 15:00etan donibane Garaziko elizan eginen dira. Bisitak Donibane Garaziko tanatoriora egiten ahal dira gaur 16 orenetarik. Familiak bere esker ona ematen dizkie partaide jinen diren guzieri.

Goian Bego (GB)

Hona Jean Flesher, NABO edo Estatu Batuetako euskal etxeen federazioko lehendakariaren hitzak: It is with much regret and sadness that we share the news of the passing of a great friend -- first, of the Chino Basque community, but also a great friend of NABO, of Basque pilota and of the Basque community in general. Peio Aphessetche was 89 years old and was a great person, he always had a smile and a firm handshake for me and every time we saw each other, we would spend a few minutes catching up. He will be missed. Our deepest condolences to his family and friends, may he rest in peace. Gure dolumin haundienak familiari eta laguneri. Jainkoak bere lorian daukala.


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