euskal diaspora eta kultura
2025/02/23 - Upland, California, AEB
Baxenafartarra Anhauze Pekoainia sortua, Michel Plaa, gazte zela ameriketaratua, Kaliforniako Upland-en zendu da 205eko otsailaren 23an, 95 zituela. 1953an, 24 urte zituela Jeanne Catherine Errecalde ezagutu zuen, Bastanchury Ranch famatuan sortua aita-ama euskaldunen alaba eta 1955eko apirilaren 16an ezkondu ziren. Jeanne Catherine (Errecalde) Plaa lehenago partitu zen, 2017ko martxoaren 21ean.
Azken bisita egiten ahal zaio Micheli martxoaren 20an, osteguna, 17etatik 20etara, Stone Funeral Home-n (355 East 9th Street, Upland, CA 91786).
Errosarioa, ostiralean, martxoaren 21ean, 10etatik 10:30etara St Anthony Catholic Church elizan (2110 N San Antonio Ave, Upland, CA 91784).
Ondoren, hileta elizkizuna, 10:30etarik 11:15etara St Anthony Catholic Church eliz berean.
Otoitza hilerrian 11:30etarik 12etara Bellevue Memorial Park-en (1240 W G St, Ontario, CA 91762).
NABOko lehendakari Jean Flesherrek idatzi du: It's with incredible sadness that I share with you all the news of the passing of Michel Plaa. A member of the Chino, California Basque community, he was very well known and very well liked. He was one of my heroes, an immigrant from Iparralde or the northern Basque Country who came here to have a better life and through hard work, he found the American dream. An avid mus player, he went to many of the tournaments in Southern California and even Nevada and when I'd see him, he always had time to have a drink with me or to sit down and chat for a while. Our deepest condolences to his family and friends may he rest in peace. Gure dolumin haundienak bere familiari eta bere laguner. Jinkoak bere lorian daukala.
Goian Bego (GB) - May Rest in Peace
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