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The potential John Bieter saw for students at the Basque Soccer Friendly: BSU's 'Largest Classroom' (


Students Get Hands-on Learning in University’s ‘Largest Classroom’. John Bieter, history professor and assistant director of Boise State’s Basque Studies Center, knows potential when he sees it. Five years ago, Bieter saw the potential to bring two world-class soccer teams to Albertsons Stadium, and on July 18 he saw that dream realized. But more than just a soccer game, Bieter saw the potential for students from across campus to learn in what he dubbed “Boise State’s largest classroom.”


Brady W Moore. Here are a few of their experiences (go to the link for the article with the photos):


“I had a fantastic time volunteering for the Basque Soccer Friendly. It was amazing to see how much we accomplished with community members working together to create the field. I really enjoyed learning about Basque culture and Jaialdi through my interactions with some of the people working with me on the field. The game itself was a blast, the athletes were incredible and so fun to watch.”


“I learned a lot about the Basque community before and during the game. Coming from Thailand, I had never heard of Basques before so it was very interesting for me. It was also eye-opening to shoot professional soccer. It’s so much more competitive and much faster than the soccer games I’ve shot for the university.” You can see more of Sirichotiakul’sphotos here.


“I got involved with the game a few months ago and everything just lined up perfectly. I changed my major to sports marketing and fell in love with the idea of bringing something as big as this game to Boise. Part of my job was getting team rosters together and it was really interesting to see the behind-the-scenes work that professional sports teams do, especially from other countries.”

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