euskal diaspora eta kultura

Besteek esana

After a 35 hours trip from Sydney to San Sebastian: From the obscene living files: The Basque Masters (Surfing Life-n)


For neurotics like myself, long flights are only doable with a perfect mix of sleep deprivation and drugs. For this 35-hour haul from Sydney to the Basque Country I chose a potent combination. And as they often do, the Feds stopped me at the airport the following morning. Something I've taken to mean either I've been put on a Persons of Interest watch list, or am suffering from the same conspicuous Freak-complex that landed Robbie Paige in a Japanese prison for 30 days.

Lotura: Surfing Live

Jed Smith. They flicked through my tattered passport, boasting stamps mostly from third world cesspools (often in the Golden Triangle), and lightly interrogated me about my destination. Meanwhile, the space cake had begun to beat. Which in turn caused last night's LSD to flicker, and the illegal prescription drugs to start burning a hole in my pocket. But I smiled calmly all the while, and kept cool as I've done so many times before. When they asked me to pick my flight from the beeping, flashing mess of numbers and letters on the TV screen, I was prepared and eventually let go. . On I rolled, with Nightmares on Wax in my ears, and a hell mission ahead - Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam, Bilbao, and finally a bus to San Sebastian. Out of which I rolled directly into the grandest surf culture celebration on the planet. 

The San Sebastian Surfilmfestibal

The Festibal is something like the Cannes of the surf film festival circuit; a fiercely cultural, largely independent, no bullshit, truth-telling exploration of surf culture. Founded 13 years ago by the renowned culture buff and early nineties Mentawaian explorer, Sancho Rodriguez, it incorporates everything I hold dear about this lifestyle - from controversial art exhibitions; to local and international bands, films and artists; and a dozen or so big-name guests (Ramon Navarro, Kohl Christensen, Kimi Werner and Chris Malloy among them this year). This year was no exception and here are a few of my highlights:

(follow reading and tasting the videos in the original article)

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