euskal diaspora eta kultura
If you haven’t heard of Basque Country before, you’re going to want to google that right now. Basque Country is located in the western Pyrenees, where France borders Spain. The area is home to the Basque people, their language of Euskara, and their own culinary traditions. The area also boasts adorable towns, incredible beaches, and unique architecture. It isn’t like any other place in Spain or France.
This is no ordinary street festival. There will be stone lifting and wood chucking and elaborate mini finger foods prepared by chefs from classy New York City restaurants and even tastes of a cider that once helped prevent scurvy.
When most people think of Idaho and food, they probably think potatoes. But spuds aside, Idaho is a place filled with culinary surprises. Look no further than the state capital of Boise, home to one of the highest concentrations of Basque populations in the United States.
A crew set off into the unknown on what turned out to be a three-year voyage plagued by starvation, scurvy and mutiny, writes Isabella Bengoechea
Imagine yourself in the famed Basque seaside town of San Sebastian. It is a beautiful summer day.
Haur Hezkuntza eta Gizarte Hezkuntza ikasi zituen. Ordea, euskararik gabe ezingo zuela hezitzaile izan esaten zioten. Hizkuntza ikastera behartzeak ez zion graziarik egin. Halako batean, Amin Maaloufen Identidades asesinas liburua irakurri zuen. Hizkuntza gutxituak ditu gaitzat, eta beraz, berarengana heldu ere egin ez den kitxua hizkuntzaz gogoeta egiteko parada izan du. Euskara ikasten ari da eta kitxuara gerturatu nahian dabil.
They travelled across the world in the 1950s and '60s to build a new life cutting sugarcane in the steamy paddocks of north Queensland. Now they are returning to learn the story of their ancestors.
Gasteizen egingo dabe 56 orduko formakuntza kursoa.
El literato americano garantizó el viaje del barco francés ‘SS Winnipeg’ a Valparaíso, odisea de la que el 4 de agosto se cumplen 80 años
Uztailaren 14an estreinatu zuten zortzi zuberotar dantzarik ‘Topa Noka’ karrikako ikuskizuna. Emazte dantzariek duten lekuaz gogoetaturik, plazak hartuko dituzte beren sorkuntzarekin.
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20009 Donostia / San Sebastián
Tel: (+34) 943 316170