euskal diaspora eta kultura
A chance discovery in the Basque Country has led to a maritime salvage operation and a ship reconstruction project that aims to celebrate the region’s seafaring past. Written by Jules Stewart
Marija Louvric Kroazian jaio zen 1988an, Kroazia iparraldeko Osijek hirian, baina Belisce herrian hazi zen, barnealdean. 2017an iritsi zen Zestoara, euskararik eta gaztelaniarik ez zekiela. Iritsiaz bat eman zuen izena Zestoako AEK euskaltegian eta gaur egun euskara da herrian komunikatzeko erabiltzen duen hizkuntza. Artikulu honen jatorrizko bertsioa Zestoako Danbolin aldizkariaren azaroko zenbakian argitaratu da, Nerea Odriozola Larrañaga egile.
"Bilbao en Mauthausen" es el extraordinario testimonio de Marcelino Bilbao narrado a través de su sobrino nieto. En el 75º Aniversario de la liberación del primer campo de concentración.
Juan Ramón Echevarría, misionero vasco: “entrar en las raíces de la cultura Montubia siempre estuvo en el corazón de los misioneros vascos” Hugo Quiroz, parlamentario Andino: “A pretexto de combatir la pobreza se sigue depredando y no solo en la Amazonía”
Basque culture is kind of a big thing in Nevada. In the 1930s, many western states including ours became host to thousands of Basques that fled their native region on the border of France and Spain during revolution. As a result, Nevada is home to an enduring Basque culture, including traditions, festivals, and of course, restaurants. Basque food is never that hard to find in the Silver State, but there’s a Basque deli that is especially worth seeking out if you’d like to try authentic and hearty cuisine from the old country. As one of the most recent additions to Basque dining in the Silver State, this unique little deli makes for an excellent pit stop.
Dantzaris y exdantzaris. Será el próximo viernes, en el Centro Vasco Eusko Etxea. Participarán socios emblemáticos, referentes de los 73 años de vida de la institución
Azken egunetan egindako karga masibo baten ondoren, 100 film baino gehiagoren azpidatziak igo ditugu webgunera, guztira 1.200 film baino gehiago daudelarik jada datubasean. Era berean, telesaileko ataletan 75 inguru igo ditugu 2019an.
For the first time, National Geographic has published Basque content; The 2020 agenda has been published in Basque, focusing on the Basque sailor Juan Sebastián Elkano and his first tour around the world. The magazine also published two articles on circumnavigation in the September and October issues.
A STRONG sense of identity and keeping alive culture and minority languages has led to a strengthening of the bonds between Scotland and the Basque Country over the past six months, according to a leading cultural figure.
Mais que faisaient ces Basques attroupés au pub de la Station, chantant et dansant comme s’ils étaient 500 ? Ils célébraient la venue d’Olentzero, une sorte de « père Noël » traditionnel, la communauté profitant de l’occasion pour se retrouver et faire vivre quelques coutumes importées de ce petit coin de pays juché entre la France et l’Espagne.
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