euskal diaspora eta kultura
Basque whaler sunk in Labrador in 1565 will be relaunched in Spain. A piece of Newfoundland and Labrador history is slowly being brought to life by the Albaola Foundation, a sea factory in Pasaia, Spain, to celebrate the Basques’ achievements in exploration and marine history.
Alemaniako Wiesbaden hiriarekin senidetuta dago Donostia, eta horrek askotariko harreman eta trukeak sorrarazi ditu haien artean. Baita kulturaren eremuan ere. Horren erakusle dira bateko zein besteko artisten lanekin antolatutako erakusketak. Artelanen trukerako proiektu batean parte hartzen du Ekain Arte Lanak galeriak, Rita Unzurrunzaga arduradunak azaldu duenez.
La última semana de marzo una delegación de casubios, habitantes de la región de Casubia -en Polonia- que tienen el casubio como idioma, visitaba Baztan gracias a Txikiak Handi, un proyecto permanente del Nafarroa Oinez, con el que se reivindica «la grandeza de las lenguas minorizadas aunque no pequeñas, y asimismo, pretende crear lazos entre ellas».
The author says that cider is probably, after wine, the most popular drink in the Basque Country — which means, if you’re travelling to this corner of Spain and France, you simply can’t leave without trying it at least once (and likely more than once). Truth be told, some foreigners love it, some found it to be, shall we say, a difficult flavour. It’s admittedly an acquired taste, but if you want to do as the locals do, then drink up! A nice article by Tomasz Kolinski on Basque sagardotegiak (cider places) near Donostia-San Sebastian.
Para festejar el Día de la Patria Vasca, integrantes del Centro Vasco Necochea se reunieron ayer frente al retoño del árbol de Guernica en la Plaza Dardo Rocha, donde hubo palabras alusivas a la fecha y bailes típicos de la colectividad. Con la presencia de las banderas de ceremonia, la argentina y la vasca, se celebró un breve acto ayer al mediodía en el que el presidente de la entidad, Antonio Alustiza, recordó el significado de la celebración para los descendientes de vascos que viven en nuestra ciudad.
Autor de una docena de libros, Miguel Larreina González defiende en ‘Laguardia del Viejo Reyno, Baluarte de Navarra y bodega de Alava’ las grandes posibilidades de la Comarca de Laguardia. El enólogo donostiarra llegó en los años 80 a Laguardia, localidad a la que el rey navarro Sancho VI El Sabio otorgó los fueros en el siglo XII, al mismo tiempo que a Vitoria y poco antes de Donostia. Aboga por su puesta en valor.
On Friday, 27 March, Prof. Joseba Gabilondo (Michigan State Univ.) and SPPO's own Ph.D. student Aintzane Cabañes-Martínez, offered their most recent research on contemporary Basque problems and perspectives in Spain. Prior to the two presentations, Prof. Gabilondo offered a screening of the recent box office record-breaking film, Ocho apellidos vascos [Spanish Affair] as a point of departure for his discussion of contemporary Spanish nationalisms and Basque culture.
A CNN video of French top chef Dominique talking about Basque cuisine, Basque Txakoli wine and explaining what Marmitako is while she decides to add her own Californian twist to this Basque fishermen's favourite dish made mainly with very fresh products: tuna and potatoes. It's a 6' 36'' video.
Basque cider has about as much in common with Angry Orchard as Belgian farmhouse ales have with Bud Light. Though the honey-hued hooch is made from apples, it has only a hint of sweetness, a slight fizz and a lingering sour funk. You can buy Basque ciders at the Basque Market year round, but you can also get an authentic Basque cider house, or sagardotegi, experience every fall at Boise's Basque Center. The annual event features a façade made to look like wooden barrels with two spouts streaming Bereziartua Basque cider and classic sagardotegi dishes like Tortilla de Bacalao, salt cod omelets, and Txuleton, rare slices of tender steak.
Henar Chico Boiseko blogari euskaldunak foro bat sortu du interneten, datorren uztail-abuztuan Boisen egingo den Jaialdi 2015 elkarretaratze erraldoia dela-eta bertaratzeko asmoa izanik oraindik lo egiteko lekuaren gaia soluzionatu ez dutenentzat. Jende askok idazten omen dio, galdetuz ezagutzen al duen Boisen egun horietan euren etxea errentatzeko prest legokeen inor. Galdera horri nolabait erantzuna emateko sortu du foroa. Euskaraduna da Henar, nahiz eta foroa soilik ingelesez eta gaztelaniaz aurkeztu duen.
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