euskal diaspora eta kultura
El Centro Vasco Misiones “Euskal Jatorri” invita a la comunidad posadeña a participar del concierto de órgano a cargo del vizcaíno Pedro Pascual Barturen Uriarte. El evento se realizará este jueves desde las 21 horas, la entrada es gratuita. El padre Pedro Pascual Barturen Uriarte llegó a Argentina en mayo, con el anhelo de recorrer distintas ciudades del interior del país y contribuir a la difusión de “la cultura de Euskal Herria” brindando una serie de recitales en los que predominará la música de compositores vascos románticos.
The clues are there for anyone to see – the piles of red rubble on the beaches, the big bones scattered along one section of shoreline – but nobody in the Canadian fishing village of Red Bay had thought to put them together. “As kids we’d find these little pebbles on the beach, what we thought were pebbles,” Alice Moores, a local woman, told me. “We’d use them like chalk, to draw on the rocks.”
It’s Jaialdi! If you’re not sure what that means, then hang on to your red beret. Every five years, thousands of Basques and Basque Americans — and nearly as many non-Basques — descend on Boise to celebrate Basque culture with dancing, food, sport competition and language. It is one of the liveliest and largest parties the city sees, all thrown Basque-style.
The ultimate foodie playground is not a title to bestow lightly on a city. Yet San Sebastian more than lives up to this greedy claim. What’s more, it is refreshingly inexpensive to eat here, especially if you balance pintxos (mini tapas) crawls with a couple of splurges at its internationally acclaimed Michelin star restaurants. The city is host to several Michelin star restaurants, our favourites being Arzak Restaurant (three Michelin stars) and Mugaritz (two Michelin stars) just outside the city in a beautiful oak-tree dotted valley. But some of the best dining can be found at the local pintxos restaurants, you just need to know where to look!
Euskadi será la sede de la 8ª Conferencia Europea de Ciudades y Pueblos Sostenibles, que reunirá a más de 800 representantes de gobiernos locales europeos en Bilbao del 27 al 29 de abril de 2016, ha informado hoy el Gobierno vasco. La cita tendrá como sede principal a Bilbao e incluirá, dentro de su programa, encuentros paralelos en otras ciudades vascas como San Sebastián y Vitoria. El Gobierno vasco, en colaboración con el resto de instituciones vascas, organizará este encuentro europeo.
Bigarren urtez, hiru euskal sortzailek Poloniako Wroclaw hirian egonaldi artistiko bana egiteko aukera izango dute uda partean, Donostia 2016k eta Etxepare Euskal Institutuak elkarrekin sustatutako deialdiaren bitartez. Wroklaw ere Europako kultur hiriburu izango da hurrengo urtean. Aurten hautatutako artistak Ainara LeGardon musikaria, Jaime de los Rios artista eta Eneko Gil dantzaria dira.
Eusko Jaurlaritza Peruko Gobernuko Interkulturalitateko ministrorde Patricia Balbuenarekin eta Hizkuntza Indigenen zuzendari José Antonio Vásquez-ekin elkartu zen atzo Liman. Bileraren helburua bi instituzioen arteko harremanak estutzea eta etorkizunean elkarlanean aritzeko bideak zabaltzea izan zen. Eusko Jaurlaritzako ordezkari gisa Patxi Baztarrika, Hizkuntza Politikarako sailburuordea, eta Joseba Lozano, Herri Administrazioetan Hizkuntza Normalizatzeko zuzendaria, bertaratu ziren.
The Los Banos Basque Club held its 51st annual Basque Picnic on Sunday as hundreds turned out to eat, drink and be entertained by the cultural traditions of the old country. “I’ve been doing bartending here for almost 19 years," said Los Banos Basque Club President Jarrett Sagouspe. “You get to meet good people and the people here are wonderful, back from the old country.”
Izaskun Kortazar is a Spanish Languages Lecturer at the Department of World Languages and also teaches Basque Culture Workshops for Basque Studies. She is currently volunteering in Brazil teaching Basque language. The classes started on May 9th and they will finish at the end of the month. She is teaching at the Basque Centers of Sao Paulo, Porto Alegre and Pelotas.
EAJ izan da Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko irabazle nagusia. Araba, Bizkaia eta Gipuzkoako Batzar Nagusietan lehenengo alderdia izango da. 2011ko hauteskunde emaitzekin alderatuta, jeltzaleek ia 30.000 boto irabazi dituzte eta EH Bilduk ia 70.000 boto galdu ditu (Bildu eta Aralarren emaitzekin alderatuz). Alderdi abertzaleen arteko lehian 1999ko agertokira egin dugu buelta.
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