euskal diaspora eta kultura
Orain dela lau hamarkada hasi ziren Goierriko Euskal Eskolan udako ikastaroak antolatzen. “Orduan uztailean bakarrik ematen zituzten klaseak, eskola nazionalean, eta herritarrek euren etxeetan hartzen zituzten ikasleak”, gogoratu du Jon Urdangarinek, Maizpideko zuzendariak. Barnetegiaren sorrerarekin, 1988an, jarraipena eman zieten ikastaroei, eta, geroztik, Udako Euskal Ikastaroek uda osoa hartzen dute: uztaila, abuztua eta iraila; bi asteko sei ikastaro eskaintzen dituzte guztira.
Students Get Hands-on Learning in University’s ‘Largest Classroom’. John Bieter, history professor and assistant director of Boise State’s Basque Studies Center, knows potential when he sees it. Five years ago, Bieter saw the potential to bring two world-class soccer teams to Albertsons Stadium, and on July 18 he saw that dream realized. But more than just a soccer game, Bieter saw the potential for students from across campus to learn in what he dubbed “Boise State’s largest classroom.”
Un grupo de trece marinos vascos se hallaba la noche del 5 de octubre de 1615 en una caseta de pescadores en Fjallaskagi, en el fiordo de Dýrafjörður, al noroeste de Islandia. Cinco de ellos velaban las txalupas mientras el resto dormía en el interior. Una partida de 50 hombres armados con hachas, cuchillos y estacas atacó por la noche, matando a los vigías. Acto seguido rodearon y asaltaron la caseta. Los nueve marinos del interior se defendieron durante horas, pero los asaltantes quebraron el techo.
En su visita a la ciudad norteamerican a, la plantilla del Athletic atiende a los aficionados repartidos por Boise y Xabi Etxeita hace un aparte para reunirse con unos familiares. Después de firmar autógrafos en varios puntos de la ciudad, se pudo ver al vizcaíno, sonriente, con una pareja de ciudadanos de la capital de Idaho abandonar el Basque Block a pie.
El exfiscal general William Ramsey Clark y los actores Peter Coyote y Mike Farrell figuran entre la treintena de referentes estadounidenses que se sumaron ayer a la campaña iniciada en marzo en Bruselas.
The July 18 Basque Soccer Friendly between Athletic Bilbao and Club Tijuana in Boise was an imagined thing, drawn up years ago on a cocktail napkin by a few people — including prominent members of Boise’s Basque community — over drinks, stuck in a pocket and forgotten, resurrected and revised, and finally brought to life by hundreds of meetings and phone calls and visions of world class football in Idaho.
The history of professional soccer teams developing players mirrors its American counterparts. Both originally developed their own players within the organization to fit their system. Today, highly-paid players from Spain play in the English Premier League, French players suit up in German Bundesliga and Latin American players are scattered throughout top European leagues. But one club has resisted globalization.
First, there were the stories. Kidnappings, murders and other political violence in the Basque country of northern Spain where Gabriel Urza attended school. Then there was a decision to pursue a Master of Fine Arts degree in writing, after first earning a law degree and serving as a public defender in Reno.
The land of the Basque people, split between Spain and France, is a "nation without a state" -- left off the map when they drew Europe's national borders. Basque Country is often left out of travel itineraries too, and that's a mistake. With sunny beaches, spectacular modern architecture, tasty tapas, and feisty, free-spirited people, this region is filled with cultural treats.
El 14 de julio de 1907 se realizó en Sukarrieta al primer gran acto de homenaje en memoria de Sabino Arana, padre del nacionalismo vasco, que había fallecido en 1903. La fecha coincidía con la conmemoración de la primera izada de la Ikurriña, el 14 de julio de 1894, el el balcón de la sociedad “Euskeldun Batzokija“, en el número 22 de la calle Correo de Bilbao, durante su inauguración.
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