euskal diaspora eta kultura
Education and mentorship helped a young Hispanic girl who dreamed of going to the U.S. Air Force Academy not only achieve her dreams, but also earn the rank of major general and the position of deputy A2, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance for Air Force Headquarters at the Pentagon. In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, observed Sept. 15 through Oct. 15, Maj. Gen. Linda Urrutia-Varhall shared lessons she learned at the Academy, at luncheons and at other events, hoping to pay it forward to junior enlisted and officers, especially those in the Hispanic community.
Pikadero, shot in Basque Country in the Basque language, marks the feature debut of Scottish writer/director Ben Sharrock and has its world premiere in San Sebastian’s New Directors section. He’s only 27 (and 26 when he shot the film), but the debut is remarkably assured, not least because he’s tapping into the nuances of another culture.
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Gazteria eta Kirol zuzendari Jon Redondo, Perun da aste honetan zehar, Euskadiko Gazteak Lankidetzan programaren bidez herrialde hartan lankidetzan ari diren gazteen proiektuak bisitatzen. Izan ere, Peru da aurten programa horren bidez aukeraturiko euskal gazte kopururik handiena hartzen duen herrialdea. 39 euskal gaztek dihardute lankidetzan Perun, Gobernuz Kanpoko Erakundeek (GKE) bultzatutako 17 proiektutan, uztailean hasi eta irailaren amaieran berriro nor bere etxera itzuli arte.
En vísperas de las elecciones catalanas charlamos con un vasco catalanizado y un catalán euskaldunizado. El catalán Marc Duch, enamorado de Euskal Herria se traslado hace unos años a vivir al Baztan. Este casteller está entrenándose para ser aizkolari. Por su parte, el meñakarra Igotz Ziarreta, fotógrafo y diseñador grafico, se desplazó hace 11 años a Cataluña, donde colabora estrechamente con la Euskal Etxea. ¿Cuál es la clave para que haya tan buen entendimiento entre ambos pueblos? ¿Se cumplen los tópicos? ¿Qué creen que ocurrirá el domingo? [Radio Euskadiko elkarrizketaren audioa entzuteko, klikatu hemen]
El viernes por la tarde se inauguró en las salas de Kultur Etxea la exposición de pintura de Jokin Miralles Larrinaga, un zarauztarra con familia en Orio, con mucha vida a sus espaldas. No en vano, ha vivido una veintena de años entre Brasil y Venezuela. Regresó de las Américas en el año 1982 y desde entonces reside en Deba. Varios familiares y conocidos se acercaron el viernes para saludar a Jokin y ver su exposición, que permanecerá abierta hasta el 2 de octubre.
Chino’s Centro Basco Restaurant celebrated its 75th anniversary this month when the Basque community gathered for its 48th annual Basque Picnic and Festival, hosted by Chino Basque Club. Mayor Dennis Yates recognized the milestone Tuesday by presenting a certificate of recognition to Monique Berterretche, who with husband Pierre purchased the restaurant and hotel in the 1950s.
Once, there were four decent Spanish restaurants in London. I know this because I used to judge the London Restaurant Awards, a televised black-tie event at which blinged-up newsreaders handed out gongs, while an increasingly unruly audience of restaurateurs and chefs got resentfully smashed. It was basically a kettling operation, with champagne and canapés.
Is San Sebastian the world's greatest city for foodies? The striking seaside city of San Sebastian has more Michelin stars per capita than anywhere else in the world. San Sebastian may just be the world’s top food spot. The small Basque city with its elegant Belle Époque architecture has more Michelin stars per capita than anywhere else in the world. Not only that, but it is home to two restaurants in the top 20 of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants – Arzak and Mugaritz – with two more, Asador Etxebarri and Azurmendi, within driving distance.
Last year, when Landon Thompson set out to open a Basque restaurant in Atlanta, he found himself in the challenging position of trying to balance the old and the new. The Basques have a “violent passion” for food, the executive chef of Cooks & Soldiers in West Midtown says. Their cooking straddles Spain and France, mountains and sea, city and farm. It is a rustic style of eating that embraces salt cod and cured ham, tomatoes and peppers, beans and potatoes, cheese. Basque cuisine is also an international movement that has spawned wild experimentation, celebrity chefs, Michelin stars.
El juego de xare o share, también conocido como raqueta argentina, es el nombre dado a una especialidad del deporte de la pelota vasca. Se practica con una herramienta similar a una raqueta de tenis, pero con unas medidas y dimensiones mucho menores.
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