euskal diaspora eta kultura
Como cada año, la ciudad de Chascomús vuelve a ser escenario del Udaleku argentino. Con la organización del Centro Vasco local, el campamento vasco de verano tendrá lugar entre el 5 y 9 de enero y ofrecerá a los jóvenes participantes un amplio programa de actividades vinculadas con la música, el deporte, la mitología y la cocina vasca, entre otras. En el caso concreto de las propuestas musicales, en este Udaleku 2016 habrá una linda novedad para los participantes y para el público chascomunense en general.
When the people of a small corner of the map have jostled and fought for existence down the ages, it really shows. It is there in the food and the buildings, in the art and certainly in the attitude. This tough sort of history makes San Sebastián, in Spain’s Basque region, an intriguing proposition at any time. Even a first-time visitor like me can see that it is not just seaside sparkle on offer.
Xola txakurra protagonista duen ipuin bildumako bosgarren alea ondu du idazleak: 'Xola eta lapurra'. Londresen saritu egin dute bildumagatik.
For many cultures around the world, December is a month that brings with it a series of celebrations, of which Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year stand out in particular. These celebrations are traditionally shared with family, and in many cases, around a table. Therefore, as these occasions approach, Global Voices pays attention to two dishes served in Central Mexico that give a specific flavour to the festive season.
A captivating central performance and a nuanced air of emotional delicacy are the hallmarks ofAn Autumn Without Berlin, a somewhat chintzy title for an entirely unchintzy debut. Signaling its director, Lara Izagirre, as a name to watch in the sadly limited pantheon of Spanish women directors, Autumn traces the complicated return of a young woman to her birthplace with subtlety and careful eye on the emotional truth, eschewing the easy dramatics and sentimentality that it could easily have fallen prey to. Fest play would be merited for the best debut from a woman director that Spain has produced in 2015.
A captivating central performance and a nuanced air of emotional delicacy are the hallmarks ofAn Autumn Without Berlin, a somewhat chintzy title for an entirely unchintzy debut. Signaling its director, Lara Izagirre, as a name to watch in the sadly limited pantheon of Spanish women directors, Autumn traces the complicated return of a young woman to her birthplace with subtlety and careful eye on the emotional truth, eschewing the easy dramatics and sentimentality that it could easily have fallen prey to. Fest play would be merited for the best debut from a woman director that Spain has produced in 2015.
Ipar Euskal Herriko 158 herriek beren abisua eman berri dute herri elkargo bakarraren osatzeaz. 2.500 hautetsietarik 2.000ko bat alde agertu da. 2016eko apirila bukaerako, herri guziek bozkatu beharko dute eta beren erabakia prefetari jakinarazi… anartean, lan taldeak sortu dira herri elkargoaren eskumenak zehazteko, kudeantza orokorra lantzeko, fiskalitatea finkatzeko. Euskal Hedabideek Battitta Boloki Hautetsien eta Garapen kontseiluko zuzendaria eta Eneritz Zabaleta zuzenbideko irakaslea gomitatu dituzte gaia barnatzeko.
29 personalidades de Ecuador han firmado su apoyo a la campaña ‘Free Otegi, free them all’. En un evento celebrado en el cine Ocho y Medio de Quito, se presentó la campaña y hubo la lectura de una misiva del propio Arnaldo Otegi quien quiso expresar su agradecimiento por la solidaridad mostrada.
The first and (for now) only in-depth text I’ve read about the Basque people, but it will certainly not be the last! I had heard about a mysterious people somewhere in northern Spain who maintain their solidarity, their culture and their strange language. Now Mark Kurlansky has introduced me to unusual and exciting dishes, traditions and a history both extensive and incredibly active.
Vendredi dernier, dans les locaux de la communauté de communes, en partenariat avec la CDC Garazi-Baigorri (représentée par son président Beñat Arrabit) et l'Office public de la langue basque (OPLB), les communes de Baigorri (représentée par son maire Jean-Michel Coscarat) et Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port (représentée par Gracianne Paris mais aussi Jean-Bernard Lhosmot) ont signé des contrats de progrès pour développer peu à peu, dans leurs services, l'usage de la langue basque. La fondation Luro (représentée par Madeleine Alchourroun et Pierre-Yves Gilet, directeur de Luro) a signé une convention et s'engage aussi à renforcer l'usage de la langue basque au sein de la clinique et de l'Ephad.
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