euskal diaspora eta kultura
"Haizean," a novel about a Basque doctor forced to flee Guernica after the 1937 bombing and who sets up a surgery for the shipyards in poverty-stricken Clydeside is being launched this week as part of the 2017 Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival.
Unai Telleria ha encontrado la fórmula para compaginar la nostalgia por su Oñati natal con las ganas de conocer mundo. Desde 2015, acerca la cultura vasca a los interesados a través de sus clases gratuitas de euskera en Nueva York
Munduko bazterretan kantu inprobisatuak hartzen dituen formak eta ahotsak batzeko ariketa egin zuen Beñat Gaztelumendik Mundu bat ahoz ahodokumentalean. ETB1 katean datorren astelehenean ikusi ahalko da lana prime time ordutegian.
Andres Zabaletaren (Zegama, 1939) baserritik hiru seme joan ziren Ameriketako Estatu Batuetara artzain lanetara: Andres bera, Felipe eta Patxi. Hatzekin zenbatu ditu garai beretsuan Zegamatik joandako beste hamalau giza-semeak; zenbatzerakoan izenak eta haien baserriak errezitatu ditu. Zabaletak bere istorioarekin aldarri bat egin nahi du. Euskal Herrian, Gipuzkoan, Goierrin, Zegaman miseria gorria baino gorriagoa zen garaian ezer ez zutenek zerbait izateko egin zuten bidaia egin zuen berak.
As a downtown landmark in Elko, NV, Anacabe’s-Elko General Merchandise has been the area’s premier work clothing and footwear retailer for more than 80 years. Also known as simply “Elko General Merchandise,” this establishment maintains all the old-world feel and unique charm of a classic general store, and has been owned and operated by the Anacabe family for several generations.
El mítico Hotel/Residencial tiene una gran historia en Tucumán y hasta hace poco un cartel de “Se comercializa” colgaba sobre sus puertas cerradas. Fotos
Izan Kantuz erronkarako deia egin dute Zaldibian. Azaroaren 10ean eta 11n, etenik gabe 26 ordu kantuan ariko dira. Abeslari ospetsuak gonbidatu dituzte, herritarrekin batera
If you think you don't like hard cider, you're probably wrong. Sure, you might not like the syrupy-sweet stuff you accidentally ordered at that one pub that one time, but calling off cider as a whole, just because you don't like one kind? That's ridiculous. Ciders you get on tap at your average bar are probably of the English style, but there's more out there. To shed that negative association you have with sweet ciders, take a step into the world of Basque cider. It will change you.
Last weekend, the team behind Attorney General Adam Laxalt’s long-expected gubernatorial bid had all the pieces in place for a campaign rollout — a new website and campaign logo, a highly produced 3-minute biographical video and a planned week-long, 17-county tour.
Seattleko Garraio Departamentuak (SDOT), Beasainen egoitza duen CAF euskal tren-taldea aukeratu du estatubatuar hiriko tranbia sareko linea berria 10 ibilgailuz hornitzeko. Gipuzkoar enpresak, hiru moduluko hamar tranbiaz hornituko du Seattle hiria.
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20009 Donostia / San Sebastián
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