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In the US, Boise Euzkaldunak Elects New Leaders and Celebrates Santa Ageda Basque Singing Tradition


Xanti Alcelay, John Arrieta, Johnny Aldape, Luke
Murgoitio, Jim Mendiguren holding up with signs for the general members to
vote with.  All five of these men were elected to the board
Xanti Alcelay, John Arrieta, Johnny Aldape, Luke Murgoitio, Jim Mendiguren holding up with signs for the general members to vote with. All five of these men were elected to the board


Nearly 400 people packed the dance hall at Boise’s Basque Center for their annual member’s dinner and business meeting. Before dinner was served, the Euzkaldunak members were entertained by several students, teachers and parents of the Boise Ikastola. In honor of Santa Ageda, the group sang traditional songs and pounded sticks in celebrate of the feast day. Zorion etxe hontako denoi, oles egitera gatoz, aterik ate ohitura zaharra aurten berritzeko asmoz. Ez gaude oso aberats diruz, ezta ere oinetakoz. Baina eztarriz sano gabiltza, ta kanta nahi degu gogoz...
Following dinner, the business meeting began. Four members of the board were up for reelection, including the president’s position. Three new members were elected, and Johnny Aldape named President. Luke Murgoitio was chosen to fill Johnny’s spot as Vice President. The NABO position was also open for reelection, but Ricardo Yanci prevailed keeping his spot for another two years.

[John Arrieta, Johnny Aldape, Luke Murgoitio, Jim Mendieiguren listen as Ester addresses the crowd of more than 300 people]

[NABO report: Ysabel Bilbao and Ricardo Yanci give their annual NABO report to the members of Boise Euzkaldunak.]

The general meeting, is a time for only members of the club to gather and discuss financial reports and plans for the future. It happens once a year, on the last Saturday in January.

The 2008 board members include; President Johnny Aldape, Vice President Luke Murgoitio, Toni Lawson, Ysabel Bilbao, Gerri Achurra, Ramon Ysursa, John Wilson. Newly elected members include John Arrieta, Xanti Alcelay, and Jim Mendiguren. [Santa Agatha: Teachers, parents, and students from Boise's Ikastola perform before the members at the annual business meeting]

Related links

Boise Basque Center

Boiseko Ikastola

Santa Ageda song (lyrics, audio and music)

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