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'Boga' ingelesezko euskal urtekari amerikarraren azkeneko lau zenbakien azalak
'Boga' ingelesezko euskal urtekari amerikarraren azkeneko lau zenbakien azalak


Boise, AEB. Zortzigarren urtea daramatza Estatu Batuetan argitaratzen 'Boga' euskal urtekari akademikoak Basque Studies Consortium-en (Euskal Ikasketa Partzuergoa) eskutik. John Ysursa Historian doktorea editore nagusi, Boga-k lekukoa eta segida hartu zion2013an joan den mendeko 80. hamarkada hasieratik argitaratu zen Journal of Basque Studies in America urtekariari, SBSA (Society of Basque Studies in America) elkarte desagertua sustatzaile, azken urteetan Ysursa bera editore.

Boiseko BSU unibertsitatetik plazaratzen da 'Boga' eta euskara, euskal kultura eta euskal ikasketei lotutako artikuluak argitaratzen ditu ingelesez, arreta berezia ipinita euskal diasporari, AEBetakoari zein mundu osokoari.

Bere azkeneko zenbakian, honako artikuluak biltzen ditu:

8. zenbakia (2020) (zenbaki osoa hemen)

-The Canonization of Carmen: Reflections on a Basque Pastorale, by William A. Douglass (pdf bertsioa)
-Meta-Fiction, Parody, and The [Basque] Apocalypse Revealed to All, by Larraitz Ariznabarreta (pdf  bertsioa)
-The Basques of New Orleans, by Koldo San Sebastian (pdf)

7. zenbakia (2019) (osoa hemen)

-Silence and Invisibility as Weapons of Hegemonic Nationalism in Fernando Aramburu's Patria, by Olga Bezhanova (pdf)
-Basque Radical Rock: The Punk Ethos in Basque Identity, by Edurne Arostegui (pdf)
-Size Matters: The Values Behind Basque Food, Font and Semiotics, by Kerri Lesh (pdf)

6. zenbakia (2018) (osoa hemen)

-Reconciling the Places Where We Live with the Spaces We Inhabit: Construction of a Communicative Space for Basque Based on a Local Media Network, by Eneko Bidegain, Aitor Zuberogoitia and Txema Egaña (pdf)
-Ethnic Identity Formation Among Basque-American Adolescents, by Catherine M. Petrissans (pdf)
-The Basques in Idaho, by John Patrick 'Pat' Bieter (pdf)

5. zenbakia (2017) (osoa hemen)

-The Main Challenges to 21st-century Business Administration: The Management of People and Knowledge. The ner Group case, by María Alvarez Sainz and Kepa Xabier Apellaniz (pdf)
-Subject — Not Only Object — of Study: Basque Studies, by Aitor Anduaga (pdf)
-Face to Face: Painting Basque Identity in the Diaspora, by Zoe Bray (pdf)
-Vizcaínos: The Scourge of the Empire and Uncomfortable Identities, by Juan Gil-Osle (pdf)
-Assessing Udaleku 2013: The Effects of Gender, Age, Family, and Community on Basque Youth Skills, Interest, Identity and Pride, by Catherine M. Petrissans (pdf)

4. zenbakia (2016) (osoa hemen)

-Calculating Ethnicity Through the U.S. Census: The Basque Case, by William A. Douglass (pdf)
-The Bertsolariak Championship as Competitive Game and Deep Play, by Jexux Larrañaga Arriola (pdf)
-Euskadi-bulletinen: Swedish Solidarity with the Basque Independence Movement During the 1970's, by Joakim Lilljegren (pdf)
-Features: USAC - 33+ Years of Learning in the Basque Country (pdf)
-Features: Armintxe Basque Cave Artwork: The Latest Find (pdf)

3. zenbakia (2015) (osoa hemen)

-The Sun Also Sets, by William A. Douglass (pdf)
-Basque Studies and the Basque Academic Diaspora, by Iñaki Goirizelaia (pdf)
-The International Location of Basque Studies, by Mari Jose Olaziregi (pdf)
-Features Looking back: Photographic essay of the “Joan-Etorri” Basque Studies Symposium (pdf)
-Feaures Looking back: The Boise – Oñati Study Abroad Program, 1974-75 (pdf)
-Features Looking back: Publication of a Seminal Book in Basque Studies Amerikanuak: Basques in the New World (pdf)

2-2. zenbakia (2014 Urria) (osoa hemen)

-Basque Scholar Feature: Jon Bilbao (pdf)
-(En)gendering Basque Culture: Musical Notes from the Archives, by Begoña Echeverria (pdf)
-The Case for a Modern Euskara: Proposed Structural Changes to Euskara Batua, by Ambrose Goikoetxea (pdf)
-The Emotional Making of the Basque Working Class, by Sara Hidalgo (pdf)
-Basque Archive Feature: Joe Eiguren, English-Basque / Basque-English Dictionary (pdf)

2-1. zenbakia (2014 Apirila) (osoa hemen)

-Eskaintza-Dedication (pdf)
-Basque Scholar Feature: Oscar Alvarez Gila, PhD (pdf)
-Production of Heritage: The Basque Block in Boise, Idaho, by Gretchen Hill (pdf)
-Bringing 'New Wind' to the Rural Interior of the French Basque Country: The Association 'Haize Berri' and the Politics of Culture, by Zoe Bray PhD (pdf)
-Between Trade, Religion and Ethnicity: The Catholic Church's Ethnic Institutions in the Spanish Empire, 16th-19th Centuries, by Oscar Alvarez Gila PhD and Alberto Angulo Morales PhD (pdf)
-Basque Archive Feature: Classics Series from the Center for Basque Studies, University of Nevada, Reno (pdf)

1. zenbakia (2013) (osoa hemen)

-Eskaintza-Dedication (pdf)
-Basque Scholar Feature: William A. Douglass, Ph.D. (pdf)
-Borges and the Basques: Notes on Reading an Invisible Literature, by David Laraway (pdf)
-External Projection of the Basque Language and Culture: The Etxepare Basque Institute and a Range of Public Paradiplomacy, by Sho Hagio (pdf)
-Basque Immigration in the United States, by William A. Douglass (pdf)
-Basque Archive Feature: Nor-Nun and Boise State University's Special Collections and Archives (pdf)


Zabalik da datorren zenbakirako artikuluak errezibitzeko epea. Zerorrek edo zeure inguruan inork artikulurik bidaltzeko asmoa bazenute urtekariko arduradunek azter dezaten, egin klik hemen
Jaialdi Boisen 2021eko uztail amaieran dago iragarria. Egingo ez balitz ere, Simposioa bederen egin egingo da, birtuala, Zoom bidez BSU unibertsitatean. Datak: uztailaren 29 eta 30ean.

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