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Euskadi's Juan Mari Beltran entertained guests at Cenarrusa Foundation Fund Raiser last weekend in Boise


Freda and Pete Cenarrusa enjoy their evening on the Basque Block. He is Idaho's former Secretary of State (photo
Freda and Pete Cenarrusa enjoy their evening on the Basque Block. He is Idaho's former Secretary of State (photo


Members of Boise's Basque Community gathered for the 3rd annual Pete and Freda's Family Style Lamb Barbecue on Boise's Basque Block. With sheep wagons, music and dancing, the dinner raised money for the Cenarrusa Foundation for Basque Studies. More than 100 people, including Boise's Mayor David Bieter dined on the lamb dinner. Music was provided by the Basque County's own, Juan Mari Beltran. Following dinner, the guests danced jotas in the street on Boise's Basque Block.
The Cenarrusa Foundation, was named after Idaho’s former Secretary of State, Pete Cenarrusa. It was founded to preserve, educate and connect the Basque Culture. The Cenarrusa Center is a joint project between educators, business and cultural groups from the Basque community in Boise in conjunction with Boise’s Basque Museum and Cultural Center, and the Basque Government. The money raised helps promote Basque Culture, language and history throughout clubs in Idaho and Eastern Oregon.

[Boise Basques, and Basque Community Supporters enjoy a lamb dinner in Boise's Basque Block. The crowd was raising money for the Cenarrusa Foundation for Basque Studies.]

[1) 'Txalapartariak' (txalaparta players); 2) Boise Basques enjoy the 3rd annual Pete and Freda's Lamb Dinner 3) Fermin Bilbao, Alberto Bilbao both of Arrieta Bizkaia along with Alberto's wife Juanita Zubizarreta enjoy dinner with the new teachers of the Boise Ikastola while raising money for the Cenarrusa foundation; 4) Ben Goitiandia rests after spending the afternoon cooking the lamb]

Juan Mari Beltran and his band provided entertainment for the night. Beltran’s music mixes tradition with contemporay. Multiple instruments are used including the ancient txalaparta (wood-planks), alboka, txistu-ttunttuna (flute), trikitixa (diatonic accordion), panderoa (tambourine), and tamboril (drums), with fiddle, accordion and other more contemporary instruments.

[1) Juan Mari Beltran and his band entertain the crowd at the Cenarrusa dinner. The band is part of a cultural tour that will be visiting Basque Clubs in the Pacific Northwest; 2) The crowd enjoy Beltran's music on Boise's Basque Block ]

Related links

Cenarrusa Center for Basque Studies, Boise, ID

Basque Studies Center, Boise State University, Boise, ID

Center for Basque Studies (CBS, UNR), Reno, NV

Basque Library, Renoko Euskal Liburutegia, UNR, Reno, NV

Society of Basque Studies in America, Brooklyn, NY

Basque Educational Organization (BEO), San Francisco, CA

Basque Museum & Cultural Center, Boise, ID

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