Chino Memorial Mass. Euskal Meza Chinoko Euskal Etxetik Facebookez zuzenean emana euskal komunitatean hildakoak gogoan, aita Antton Egiguren meza-emaile, Chinoko Euskal Etxea antolatzaile. Chinon igande goizeko 10ak direla, Boisen 11ak, Argentinan 17ak eta Euskal Herrian 19ak.
Euskal Etxean, mezaren ondotik, hilabeteroko bazkaria egingo da.
Hona meza segitzeko meza-liburua euskaraz eta ingelesez.
This Sunday, November 19th, Aita Antton will be in Chino to celebrate the Chino Basque Club Memorial Mass at 10am at the Chino clubhouse. During mass, there will be a special remembrance of community members who have passed away over the last year. Mass will be live streamed on the Artzai Ona Facebook Page, and the missal will also be available there. Following mass, there will be a club lunch. Cost of the meal is $25 for adults and $10 for children. Deadline to RSVP is this Friday, November 17th. For more information or to purchase your ticket, please click here. (NABOren Astero astekaritik)