Zorionak, Marty. Euskal Herrian egonen zira orai, Gaztemundun parte hartzen, heldu diren bi astetan, eta ondotik Arnegi, Donostia, Euskal Herria eta Europako beste bazterrak bisitatzen. Buffaloko Big Horn Basque Club-eko zure lagunak zurekin gira. Beti bezala, badakigu gure izena zinez ohoratuko duzun. Agian untsa pasatuko duzula eta hor ikasten duzuna gure artera ekarriko duzula. Besarkada tinki bat Buffaloko zure familia eta lagunen partez.
Hey Marts:
We are so proud of you for being chosen for this year´s Gaztemundu. This year´s program is perfect for you and we know that you will learn a ton, but also that they will learn a lot from you as well. We know that you will have a blast traveling not only in the Basque Country but all over Europe.
We love you very, very much and thank you again for all of your help with Udaleku this year!