Last Wednesday, "La Marcha de (San) Sebastián - (San) Sebastian Martxa" by Manuel Aguilar was premiered in Donostia. It's a project selected within Meta! Culture of Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, financed by crowdfunding. Sebastian and Claire are a couple of tourists who are spending a few days in Donostia, enjoying the city. In one of their walks through the Old Town, when they touch the statue of Sarriegi, they enter into a musical world becoming the true protagonists of the Donostia-San Sebastian Main Festival: Tamborrada. Script and Direction: Manuel Aguilar; Direction of Photography: Ivan V Jimenez; Assembly: Asier Burgaleta; Art Direction: Natalie Hickey; Heads of Production: Maria Villoch, Haizea Urkiola, Itsaso Bon; Performers: Fernando Ruiz, Teresa Alzuru.