basque heritage worldwide


Interview ith Antonio Alustiza, president of the Necochea Basque Club the Saint Ignatius of Loyola day


Every July 31 is the day of Saint Ignatius of Loyola and a celebration of the patron saint of the local Basque community is held in Necochea, Argentina. Mayor Facundo López and the secretary of the city government, Dr. Diego López Rodríguez, received the authorities of the Basque Center. Basque dancers danced in the municipal hall and the procession went to place floral offerings at the monuments to Mariano Necochea and Ángel Murga, founder of the city. Then they moved to the sapling of the Tree of Gernika, a symbol of the Basque Freedom, and they placed red and white roses, the anthem was sung and the Aurresku was danced, all according to the Municipality's bulletin.


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Dancers from the Gero Axular school in Donostia at the Rudolstadt Festival, in Germany


A dance group made up of hugh school students of the Ikastola Gero Axular in Donostia, accompanied by txistularis musicians and accordionists, participated in the first half of July 2017 at the Rudolstadt Festival, in Germany. In this edition there were more than 50 participating musical groups, and a dozen dance groups, in about twenty stages spread throughout the city. The video shows one of the performances of the Donostia/San Sebastian dancers (image Thuiringer).

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Images of the Elko National Basque Festival 2017: parade, dance, picnic, sports... Aupa Elkotarrak!


Video with the highlights of the 54th Elko National Basque Festival, starring dancers, sport people, singers, musicians... The video images are taken at the Elko Basque Club facilities. Thanks to Mercedes Mendive for the images and the music, as she is the accordion player for Elko Ariñak Dancers. And, eskerrik asko, elkotarrak!

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Madrid undertakes the rehabilitation of Beti Jai, a 19th Century Basque Handball Court in its heart


After many years of deterioration, the City of Madrid undertook the rehabilitation of Frontón Beti Jai, a 19th Century Basque Handball Court located in its heart, Calle del Marqués del Riscal, 7 28010 Madrid. It was built in 1893-94 by arquitect Joaquín Rucoba and it worked as a fronton until 1919. The City of Madrid bought it in 2010 and it was declared Cultural Interest Heritage in 2011. It went through a serious degradation process until a citizen platform began to fight for its recovery (video IdealistaNews).


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Leire Arrieta greets Basque diaspora members while she explains the role played by Radio Euskadi during Franco years


Historian Leire Arrieta comments in Basque the history of Radio Euskadi, while she greets from the Basque Country the people gathered in Montevideo to celebrate the International Day of the Bsque Language (ENE, Euskararen Nazioarteko Eguna).  The Uruguayan celebration of ENE included a meeting of Basque publishers in America. Leire Arrieta is the author of the book "The history of Radio Euskadi", reissued in 2016 by the Ekin Basque Publishers of Buenos Aires (video, Alberto Irigoyen).

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Local press interviews Eusko Aterpea's president Juan Itcea about the Basque club's activities


One of the most popular fundraising activities organized by the Eusko Aterpea Basque club of Gral Rodríguez, in Argentina, is to cook and sale portions of typical Basque dishes, such as the Basque-style squid. Eusko Aterpea makes numerous all year long cultural and social proposals open to the population. President Juan Itcea speaks about the last proposals of the club.

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Basque pelota returns next Sunday to the Villa Maria Basque Club fronton facilities in this Argentine city


Basque Pelota returns to the fronton of the Euzko Etxea Basque Club in the city of Villa María, Argentine province of Cordoba. Gerardo Echeverria, president of the local Basque association comments to 5900.TV that this Sunday, June 24th, from 9:00am to 8:30pm, the Provincial Tournament with will held at the Club's facilities, inspected by the Federation of Basque Pelota in Cordoba.

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Bordaleko Euskal Etxea, the Basque Center in Bordeaux will join Musikaren Eguna-Day of the Music celebrations


It happens not just with the Basques, also with many other cultures, but it's clair that music, song and dance are an important part of the Basque culture. That is nor an exception in Bordeaux, where musical activities are essencial for many of its members. The Basque Center in Bordeaux will join with a whole program of activities Musikaren Eguna-Day of the Music 2017 celebrations. This video belongs to 2015 Musikaren Eguna and it looked a good presentation also for this year. Aupa musikariak!

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"Gure arbasoen ildotik": The Baigorri students who visited in 2016 the Basque emigration places in the USA publish a video with their experience


The young students of the Donostei school in Baigorri who traveled in September-October 2016 to the West of the United States in order to visit and know first hand the places of emigration of their ancestors, have made public a video summarizing in images that important experience and the extraordinary reception they got through the Basque communities of the USA. already published the written balance of the trip and shows now the video (image Gure arbasoen ildotik-Kanaldude)

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The Basques of Macachin, 1991


The Basques of Macachin, 1991 is the title of this program by the Argentine public TV, dedicated to the Basque presence and heritage in the rural town of Macachin, Province of La Pampa.

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