Euskera Day was celebrated in Los Toldos as part of the Festival of Communities
Photo gallery > 2014 International Day of the Basque Language Festivities
Euskera Day was celebrated in Los Toldos as part of the Festival of Communities
Once again the local Basque club, Oroimenez, was largely represented at the local Festival of Communities. First, Enrique Iparraguirre was in charge of opening the event. There was also a Basque stand where txistorra was availalbe, which sold out, and the local choir sang "Maitetxu mia," among other songs with the participation of the teacher from Donostia, Ane Egia. Secondly, the Queen of the event continues to be Corali Otermin Luberriaga, representing the Basque community and Julia Sanchez Abaljauregi was elected as the new "cantinera" of the Basque club (photoEELos Toldos)