Basque Week - A round table for political dialogue
Photo gallery > Basque Week 2008 La Plata
Basque Week - A round table for political dialogue
Within the programme of the 2008 Basque Week, Euzko Etxea of La Plata organized an 'Elkarrizketa Politikorako Mahaia' (a round table for political dialogue) at the Deputy Chamber of the province of Buenos Aires. The political parties with representation at the Basque parliament were invited to join in. Nobel Peace award winner Adolfo Perez Esquivel chaired the debate. Participants were EAJ-PNV (Joseba Egibar), EA (Iñaki Galdos), Ezker Batua (Kontxi Bilbao) and EHAK (Katalina de Madariaga). Pictured, the representative of EHAK talking to the Chamber (photo