Donostia-San Sebastian. It is Christmas time again, an occasion that provides an opportunity to get together and gather with family and friends; to demonstrate our closeness and caring for those people who we appreciate and those that we may not have expressed it enough to throughout the year. With the end of the year coming this is often an appropriate time to express our support and good wishes to those who surround us, as well as prepare for new challenges, taking new steps in our lives and to share and feel close to our own, family, friends and loved ones.
From we want to thank you all for staying with us for another year, for being on the other end of the thread that unites us all year long from Euskal Herria and its Diaspora.
To you our best wishes, that the new year will bring us generous exercises of solidarity, shared work and achievements for our families, our Basque clubs and Basque and non-Basque communities, that will provide us with opportunities in which we can contribute and give the best of ourselves, as members of a solidary and committed Basque environment.
Zorionak eta Urte Berri On!