Amazon has recently launched a project to help charitable associations in the US, and NABO is part of this experience thanks to the efforts of NABO Treasurer Marie Petracek. NABO's Astero news bulletin has announced the collaboration, that will destine 0.5% of the purchase made at Amazon Smile to an association of the buyer's choosing. Make sure to choose NABO and spread the news!
Donostia-San Sebastian. Astero news bulletin has announced the following collaboration with Amazon Smile:
"Thanks to the efforts of NABO Treasurer, Marie Petracek, shoppers on can now help support NABO with their purchases with Amazon Smile, Amazon's way of supporting charitable organizations.
To participate simply go to" log in with your Amazon ID, and then select Educational Fund of North American Basque Organizations Inc. as your organization.
This way, NABO will receive 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases. Purchases must be made beginning to qualify.
Every little bit helps, and so we encourage you all to participate and thank you in advance for considering NABO when making future orders. Mila esker!"