Corpus Christi, Argentina. The annual Basque-Argentine-Mbya-Guarani Cultural Festival began last weekend in the city of Corpus Christi, in the province of Misiones, organized by the local Eusko Etxea. The festivities began on Saturday with the award ceremony for the 7th Astonishing Stories Literary Contest and continued with the inauguration of an exhibit of screened works created by students in the fine arts workshop at the Euskal Etxea.
Without a doubt, the main day of the festival was Sunday. The day began with the inauguration of the Basque-Guarani Mural in the Basque Plaza, with an explanation of the significance of the images by the project’s director, Valeria Garibotti. Afterwards, there was a kalejira from the plaza to the clubhouse where Professor Cesar Arrondo, and Museologist Estela Garma, gave a talk on the Basque and Guarani cultures. Sunday’s activities also included Basque dance performances by the Lagun Artean dance group, a tamborrada and lunch.
The festivities continued on Monday and Tuesday with an open house for the exhibition of art and talks by Cesar Arrondo about Lehendakari Aguirre and Gernika. Both talks were followed by screenings of films on the subject.
Today, to conclude the 2019 Festival, there will be mass at 10am and a farewell lunch at 12:30pm.