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With 20 votes for and 3 abstentions, Hugo Andiazabal is FEVA’s new president for the 2014-16 term


FEVA's newly elected board of directors (
FEVA's newly elected board of directors (


As expected, the current FEVA treasurer and president of the Arbol Bat Basque club in Junin became the new FEVA president. Also elected were Javier Ederra, secretary, and Pedro Mauregui Larranda treasurer. After the Assembly, and as part of the program of activities, Sara Pagola and Asier Vallejo met with FEVA and the Basque club representatives with Vallejo answering questions about grants, Gaztemundu and the program to recuperate historic memory.

Buenos Aires, Argentina. Continuing the election trend that has been set the last few years, characterized by only one list of candidates and a lower participation of Basque clubs [remember that in 2010 Ricardo Basterra was elected with 22 votes for and in 2012 was reelected with 19 votes, compared to 2008 with 49 votes],  Hugo Andiazabal became the federation’s new president with 20 votes that legitimized his candidacy.

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[Attendees at the April 26th FEVA Assembly (photo]

The Assembly began at 10 am with a special mention of those who had passed away in the community: Juan 'Tito' Gaillour and Felipe Eiheragibel, both former presidents of the institution and Agustin Asensio, who was also part of the Federation’s board of directors.  As the meeting took place on April 26th, the anniversary of the bombing of Gernika was also remembered.

In electoral terms, those presented supported the only list of candidates on the ballot:

-President: Hugo Andiazabal, Arbola Bat, Junín (two years)
-Secretary: Javier Ederra, Unión Vasca, Bahía Blanca (two years)
-Treasurer: Pedro Mauregui Larranda, Zingirako Euskaldunak, Chascomús (two years)

-Director: Marta Abarrategui, Euskaldunak Denak Bat, Arrecifes (two years)
-Alternate: Ana Victoria Idígoras, Euskaldunak Denak Bat, Arrecifes (two years)

-Director: Verónica Zulaica, Denak Bat, Cañuelas (two years)
-Alternate: Catalina Etchevers, Denak Bat, Cañuelas (two years)

-Director: Cristina Arregui, Zazpirak Bat, Rosario (two years)
-Alternate: Alicia Igarzabal, Zazpirak Bat, Rosario (two years)

-Director: María Susana Mendizabal, Gure Etxe Maitea, Olavarria (two years)
-Alternate: Hilda Isabel Eyherabide, Gure Etxe Maitea, Olavarria (two years)

-Account Reviser: Xabier Zubillaga, Euzko Etxea, Necochea (one year)
-Account Reviser: Mónica Mercedes Azpiazu, Lagunen Etxea, Laprida (one year)
-Account Reviser: María Ángeles Oñederra, Toki Eder, José C. Paz (one year)

Transfer of control

In his last words as president, Ricardo Basterra expressed his gratitude to everyone who worked with him and who have committed to continue working for the Basque cause with the same determination which they have done over the years: “As things have a beginning, they have an end, I conclude my work here and I want to thank the great work that has been done by the FEVA board of directors, to the presidents that we have had whose great effort resulted in us having FEVA today, something that we are very proud of,” he said.

“There are many people who have done a lot for FEVA and among them I am going to name Carlos Sosa, who marked the beginning of a change, creating conditions for FEVA be more like a federation giving room to many Basque clubs that were emerging.  I would also like to name someone that I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude, Don Isidro Legarreta, from whom I learn a lot and with whom I’ve had many talks that gave me the possibility of managing and do the best I could during this time. I would also like to thank the Basque clubs who have accompanied me on what I have done.  We need to continue looking forward and don’t look for errors in the past, but instead, keep going since there is still a lot to be done in the Basque cause.  For me, I will continue working from this place, as time and conditions allow me,” said Basterra.

After the vote, Hugo Andiazabal greeting those present and anticipated managing in the same line as before, he prioritized unity and called everyone to face the challenges that lie ahead.

Gure Esku Dago

As part of the FEVA assembly, Dani Oiarbide was also present. He is now the Basque Language and Culture lecturer at the National University of La Plata and he attended the meeting to preset the Gure Esku Dago (It's in our hands) movement and the human chain between Durango and Pamplona that will take place on June 8th.  He invited all to participate in the one that will take place in Argentina on May 11th joining during Buenos Aires Celebrates.

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[Hugo Andiazabal, Dani Oiarbide and Cesar Arrondo during the Gure Esku Dago presentation (]

Visit by Asier Vallejo and Sara Pagola

Basque Government representatives Asier Vallejo and Sara Pagola arrived at the Laurak Bat around noon accompanied by technician Andoni Martin, and Shanti Arrieta and Mariana Satostegui from the Buenos Aires Delegation of Euskadi.  After greeting those present, Vallejo addressed the Basque Government’s current economic situation and responded to questions about grants.  He also talked about the upcoming Gaztemundu program that is aimed at dance director this year and will take place in July allowing for 25 participants. Finally, he explained some guidelines that are being worked out regarding the historic recovery program.

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[Outgoing president, Ricardo Basterra and incoming Hugo Andiazabal greeting Sara Pagola and Asier Vallejo (photo]

Sara Pagola also congratulated the new board of directs and invited all present to participate in the activities to be carried out with writer Toti Martinez de Lezea who will arrive in Argentina on May 7th.

In the afternoon, the Basque Government representatives participated in the Buenos Aires Book Fair and the presentation of Patria Vasca en Argentina  by Magdalena Mignaburu then later participated in a Aberri Eguna celebration at Euskaltzaleak.


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