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Viedma-Patagones: the Aberri Etxea Basque Club announces the program to launch “Bizi gira…kutxa bira!” this weekend


“Bizi gira…Kutxa Bira!” begins this Saturday in Argentina
“Bizi gira…Kutxa Bira!” begins this Saturday in Argentina


Viedma, Argentina. It will happen this Saturday.  The “Bizi gira…kutxa bira!” (We live…The box travels for us!) from the Iparra Hegoa Association in the Basque Country will begin this Saturday, completing one of its greatest challenges: the participation of the Diaspora.  The Kutxa (box) will begin its journey in Argentina, in Viedma y Patagones county, and from here it will make the jump to Euskal Herria to continue its two-month tour there covering dozens of towns in both Hegoalde and Iparralde.  More information on this initiative here

This Saturday the city of Carmen de Patagones will be the start of the tour thanks to the Aberri Etxea Basque Club that is incorporating this event into its 25th anniversary festivities. This is its program:

Saturday, March 20th, in Carmen de Patagones

-11am at the Piedrabuena Plaza (Los 3 ojos): Arrival of the Kutxa (box); presentation by the Aberri Etxea; Greetings from the Mayor Jose Luis Zara; reading of the beginning of the poem Hitza da gure lurra (The Word is Our Land) by Amets Arzalluz; Argentine folk dancing; Basque dancing performed by Basque Club's Lagun Onak; opening of the box to introduce dreams; and removal of the box.

-5:30pm, gathering and the Kutxa’s departure from the Prefecture to Viedma Dock by via the Negro River. There the club’s txikis will be waiting for the box to take it on a bike ride to the Plaza in front of the Cultural Center.

Sunday, March 21st, City of Viedma

-11am, in the Fundador Plaza: arrival of the Kutxa, presentation by the Aberri Etxea; Greetings from Mayor Pedro Pesatti; reading of the second part of the poem written by Amets Arzalluz; singing of the Rio Negro and Siyahamba hymn by the Basque Club's Abestu Beti Choir; Tango performance, and opening of the box to introduce dreams; removal of the box.

The Basque Club has reported that the Basque students will pass out small dictionaries at the various activities, and that all events will be filmed to send to Euskal Herria, for which the city of Viedma has lent them a drone.

[President of the Aberri Etxea traveled to Tres Arroyos to pick up the Kutxa.
There she met at the Hiru Erreka Basque Club the Basque teacher who brought the Kutxa from Euskal Herria

25 Years of Aberri Etxea

The Aberri Etxea Basque Club is planning a special year to celebrate its 25th anniversary.  After this weekend, the main activities will take place in November. Among some of the new events is the presentation of a commemorative history book by Dr. Ruben Suarez (Director of Culture for the club) along with collective collaboration.

In the meantime, respecting health protocols, they have returned to in person activities at the clubhouse including choir practice with Cristian Castillo, and the Lagun Onak dance practices led by Josetxu Astolfi, and Lautaro Castro.  Directors of other programs continue to consider options to also resume in person activities this month.

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