Paraná, Argentina. The February 3rd Theater in the city of Parana was again the site for Basque culture as it has since 2009 with the Urrundik Association presenting its annual Dance Festival. The program was varied and covered a wide array of choreographies that dantzaris of all ages performed featuring Makil dantza’, ‘Plazara’, ‘Bralea dantza’, ‘Kaixarranka’, ‘Kaskarotak’ and ‘Sagar dantza’ (by the adults), ‘Orpo punta’ and ‘Fandango’ (by the txikis), ‘Arretxinagako San Migel’ (accompanied by the txistu and tamboril by Federico Borras), ‘Zinta dantza’, ‘Uztai txikiena’, and to close a ‘Fandango’, ‘Arin Arin’ and ‘Kalejira’.
Joseba Gotzon, singer from the Basque Country, also accompanied them again. As part of his tour, and 35 year long career the Bizkaian musician chose 8 songs from his repertoire that he performed with local musicians Oscar Giles, Ángel Giles and Eli Gigena.
After the festival, and just a few weeks away from Semana Vasca in Bahia Blanca, the dantzaris in Parana had dinner along with the guest musicians.
Complete photo album, here.