Vitoria-Gasteiz. Today, as a preparatory day for the Congress and with some of the delegates still arriving from their respective countries, has been a day to visit Gernika and Bilbao, and the Basque Parliament in Vitoria-Gasteiz. The oficial program of the Congress will begin tomorrow, following this program:
Wednesday, October 7
08:15 Accreditation of Congress attendees
09:00 Welcome by the Secretary General for Foreign Affairs, Marian Elorza
09:10 Opening of the Congress by the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu
09:20 Keynote speech by Kingsley Aikins, CEO of “Diaspora Matters”
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Report on emigration of Basque youth (Itsaso Andueza, president of the Basque Youth Council)
10:50 Today’s Basque emigration as seen by young university students (Rosa Arburua, Donostia teaching college, UPV/EHU)
11:10 Debate on generational change-over
12:10 Presentation of the “eLiburutegia” project (Imanol Agote, director for cultural heritage in the Basque government)
12:30 Trans-oceanic relations from the 15th century to the present day (Xabier Agote, president of the “Albaola” foundation for Basque maritime heritage)
12:50 Round table on the future of the Euskal Etxeak: cultural and education programs and their dissemination
14:00 Lunch
15:30 Round table on opening up the Euskal Etxeak: cooperation with other diasporas and opening up to society
16:30 Basque congresses in Argentina (Magdalena Mignaburu, Josu Legarreta)
17:00 “Ekin” publishers of Buenos Aires and “Euskal Erria” publishers of Montevideo (María Elena Etcheverry de Irujo, Xabier Irujo, Alberto Irigoyen)
17:30 Research project on the Basque center in Caracas and Basque exile in Venezuela (Xabier Irujo, Alberto Irigoyen)
18:00 40th anniversary of the first Boise-Oñati exchange (Iñaki Galdos)
Thursday, October 8
09:00 Euskara Munduan (Joseba Erkizia, director of HABE)
09:30 Presentation of the Mintzanet project (Ritxi Lizartza, “Mara-Mara”)
09:45 Debate
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 “Memoria Bizia” program to collect oral testimonies of Basque emigrants (Pedro Oiarzabal, University of Deusto)
12:00 Debate 12:30 “Leadership for Equality” (Maitane Urbieta, Eraberria Aholkularitza)
13:00 Debate on the role of women in Basque centers
14:00 Lunch
15:30 Election of representatives to the Advisory Council
16:30 Enciclopedia biográfica de los vascos en el oeste americano / Biographical Encyclopedia of Basques in the American West (Koldo San Sebastián)
17:00 Ponencias del seminario sobre la emigración vasca a Cuba / Proceedings of the Seminar on Basque Emigration to Cuba (William Douglass)
17:30 Los vascos en Antioquia durante el reinado de los Austrias 1510-1700 / The Basques in Antioquia During the Reign of the Habsburgs 1510-1700 (John Ricaurte)
18:00 Identidad y estructura de la emigración vasca y navarra hacia Iberoamérica, siglos XVI-XXI / Identity and Structure of Basque and Navarrese Emigration to Latin America in the 16th-21st Centuries (José Manuel Azcona)
Friday, October 9
09:00 Assessment of the 2012-2015 four-year plan
09:30 Creation and approval of the proposed four-year plan for 2016-2019
12:00 End of the Congress
13:15 Reception at the Lehendakaritza for the participating official delegations
14:00 Closing remarks by William A. Douglass, emeritus professor of the Center for Basque Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno
14:20 Closing of the Congress by the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu