Montevideo, Uruguay. Supported by the Federation of Basque Instutions in Uruguay (FIVU), the event took place on October 12-14 in Villa Bautista, La Tuna, in the department of Canelones. Thirty participants between the ages of 5-17 from San Joseko Euskaldunak Taldea, in San José, and Haize Hegoa, in Montevideo, enjoyed classes in Euskera taught by Marin Zabalza and Andrea Bella; music and dance, along with the Eusko Indarra group and Mariel Fernandez.
Beginning with the legend and stories about the Eguzkilore, the children made crafts, played games, “hunted” for Basque mythology and sports. Members of Haize Hegoa were also included.
On Sunday, the 14th the last day of Udaleku, participants visited the beach and said their farewells until Udaleku 2019.
More photos of Udaleku in Uruguay, here.