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Tribute in the form of a song to Mari Carmen Echeverria, who passed away in Baztan from the Coronavirus (see video)


Tribute to Mari Carmen and others who have passed away in Euskal Herria and the Diaspora due to the Coronavirus (photo Unai and Olaia)
Tribute to Mari Carmen and others who have passed away in Euskal Herria and the Diaspora due to the Coronavirus (photo Unai and Olaia)


Chino, CA, USA. The song talks about the Coronavirus situation that we currently find ourselves in that hits families, and that can only be fought with solidarity and love.  The lyrics are by California Basque, Begoña Echeveria, dedicated to her aunt Mari Carmen Echeverria Itzea, who passed away on April 1st in Lekaroz from the Coronavirus.  Out of the seven Echeverria Itzea children, the four boys, Carlos, Alejandro, Pablo and Juanito all emigrated to California leaving three sisters in Euskal Herria Mañolita, Carmen and Angeles. Begoña Echeverria is one Alejandro’s four children along with Manuela, candida and Carlos.

Lyrics by Begoña Echeverria, with music and vocals by Mattin Lerissa, accompanied by Mixel Ducau on the guitar.  Mattin and Mixel were both performed in Chino, among other places, in late February and early March. Following the video read the transcription of the lyrics in Basque and English (to see the video, click on the photo and then click play).

Her obituary. here: Mari Carmen Etxeberria Itzea.

-Lyrics: Begoña Echeverria
-Music and Vocals: Mattin Lerissa
-Guitar: Mixel Ducau

Coranabirusa etorri zaiku
Etsai ixila bezala
Gure etxeetan, txoko denetan
Gu ohartu gabe sartu da.

(Coronabirus came to us
Like a silent devil
Into our homes and every corner
It entered, without our noticing)

Gure osasun eta harreman
Lapurtzera heldu da?
Elkartasuna indartu eta
Virus hau gaindituko da.

(Our health and our relationships
Did it come to take them from us?
If we stay strong with one another
This virus will fe defeated)

Egin behar duguna
Nahiz eta aparte izan
Elkar lagundu 'ta maitatu
Amodioak debrua hiltzen baitu (errepika)

(What we must do
Even though we are separated
Is help and love one another
For love kills the devil)

Coronavirusa etorri zaiku
Senideak ebastera
Adiskidea ehortzi dugu
Adiorik ez erranak

(Coronavirus came to us
To steal our families
We buried our friend
Without saying goodbye)

Azkenagurra egiazkoa
Ez da hilobin egoten
Birua baita, elkar artekoa
Zeru-lurrak dena lotzen

(But the genuine farewell
Does not stay in the grave
For the thread between us
Is what ties heaven and earth)

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