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The year is leaving, leaving some last photos; today, a new photo gallery of International Euskera Day 2017


Euskera Day in Viña del Mar-Valparaíso
Euskera Day in Viña del Mar-Valparaíso


We continue with the last end-of-year activities from Basque clubs. Only a week left before we say goodbye to this year and we begin the goals and projects of 2018.  Basque students and teachers in the Diaspora will surely have the goal to continue studying and spreading the Basque language.  This climate of commitment to the language is present in many of the last Basque club events of 2017. A new influx of testimonies. 

Buenos Aires, Argentina.   In America many languages are spoken, many autochthonous, of native people; others are in the majority, brought by immigrants.  Euskera, in regards to its status and grammatical category would be similar to other American languages, but what is sure is that Basque also came from Europe on a boat.  Even if those immigrants who brought it like a precious treasure didn’t regard maintaining and spreading it a priority but have left it as a legacy so that today, many clubs in America maintain Euskera, diffuse it and enjoy it…Otherwise the impact of Euskera Day in these latitudes would not be understood.  In today’s article ENE celebrations at  Union Vasca in Bahia Blanca, Euskaltzaleak in Buenos Aires, Gure Txokoa in Cordoba, Beti Aurrera in Chivilcoy and Eusko Etxea in Valparaiso.

Some of the videos presented last weekend by groups at Euskaltzaleak

 [2º level at Euskaltzaleak presented 'Postalak' (cards)]

[4th year at Euskaltzaleak presented “Euskara ikasten duten pertsona motak”' (The kinds of people who study Basques)]

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