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Galdakao, Bizkaia. The event began with mass at noon at the Andra Mari church in Elexalde, Galdakao in memory of all of the deceased of the community, and especially Jon Basañez, Estefania Ledesma Aznar, Constanza Monje de Iza, Karmele Urresti Iturrioz, Robert Odriozola Sertutxa and Edurne Urresti de Ayerdi. After socializing in Elexalde, over fifty people headed to Galdakao’s batzoki where the meal took place.
As every year, the attendees honored and presented a gift to one of their veteran members. This year’s recipient was Mª Carmen Garate de Atxurra, who at eighty years of age was the oldest member of the gathering. In contrast, the youngest member present was Olatz Muñoz Leunda who is just thirteen months old.
“Since this year’s gathering coincided with Holy Week our numbers were down a bit,” Amaya Zenarutzabeitia, indicated to Although long established in Euskadi, Amaya was born in Caracas and is the one responsible for organizing the event annually. The event’s attendance tends to vary, depending on the dates, from fifty this year to over 150 in previous years.
This year’s gathering marked the sixteenth edition which began being organized in a different place every year somewhere in the Basque Country including Arrieta, Alegi, Altsasu, Lierni or Olazti-Olazagutia, although in recent years it has been taking place in Galdakao. Among last Saturday’s attendees was Josu Legarreta former director of Relations with Basque Communities Abroad of the Basque Government.
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