Three generations of Utah Basques: Pilar Sangroniz Shortsleeve, Antonia Sangroniz, Mary Gaztambide, Marc Gaztambide and Cirbie Sangroniz Lee
Salt Lake City will celebrate this weekend -- May 15, 16 and 17 -- the 30th anniversary of this popular gathering. The Living Traditions festival has been organized every year by the local Arts Council and it had since the begining the presence and contribution of the Utah Basque Club and its dance group Utahko Triskalariak. Zorionak to the organizers and to the Utah Basque Club. See video released by the organization gathering in front of the camera three generations of Basques in Utah.
Salt Lake City, UT. The Living Traditions festival is marked in red for many people in Salt Lake and also for members of the local Basque community, involved in this initiative since its inception. It is an activity to present and share the local Basque culture with the people, giving it the projection it deserves, as well as a fundraiser to support the activity of the Club and the Utah-ko Triskalariak dance group.
To mark the 30th anniversary of the activity, the organization invited in front of the camera three generations of Utah Basques: Mary Gaztambide, 80, represents the older generation, founder of the club. She has been president of the Utah Basque Club until very recently, she is a former president of NABO, currently vice president of the federation. Surroundin her, the video shows the next generation, 50 to 60 years old, represented by Pilar Sangroniz Shorsleeve (txistulari) and Marc Gaztambide (dantzari); and the generation between 20 and 30, with Antonia Sangroniz and Cirbie Sangroniz Lee.
An affectionate hug to Mary Gaztambide
We take this opportunity to send our congratulations to the Utah Basque Club and a big hug specially to Mary Gaztambide. She was in a good shape when the video was recorded but her health has been severely beaten latelly. Besarkada bero bat, Mary, with the best wishes from your friends of and the global community of the Diaspora, in an extensive hug to all Utah Basques and the great Basque family that makes up the Utah Basque Club.