Iñaki Arrieta Baro, from Hernani, is currently the head library at the Jon Bilbao Basque Library (photo EuskalKultura.com)
The University of Nevada, Reno is looking for someone to fill the position of Library Technician at the Jon Bilbao Basque Library. This requires a degree and at least three years experience, among other requirements. The chosen individual would be responsible for managing circulation of materials, assisting users with library and online resources, developing metadata for digital items and uncatalogued books, and maintaining files for digital images and audio/video recordings. Interested persons should contact the University as soon as possible.
Reno, NV. The position title is Library Technician 2 at the Jon Bilbao Basque Library on the University of Nevada, Reno’s main campus supervised by Basque librarian, Iñaki Arrieta Baro.
Requirements include a degree and at least three years experience in a similar post. Language requirements include English with knowledge of Basque, Spanish and French preferred. It should be noted that the Jon Bilbao Basque Library is the largest library of its kind outside of the Basque Country.
This is only a summary of the job ad. Complete information can be found on the library’s website here.
More information is also available by contacting UNR Human Resources by phone: +1 (775) 784-1495; or email: jobs@unr.edu.