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The Trujillo Euskal Etxea attracts members by organizing online talks for people with Basque last names on their roots


Image of the power-point of the Berastegi/Verastegui reunion organized by the Trujilloko Euskal Etxea on July 10th
Image of the power-point of the Berastegi/Verastegui reunion organized by the Trujilloko Euskal Etxea on July 10th


Trujillo, Peru. Founded at the end of 2017, the Trujillo Basque Club is barely four years old and is very active devising and putting into practice plans to improve its members’ knowledge about the Basque culture, as well as of the population in general.  It hopes to attract new members and is aware of many people with Basque last names in its surroundings, although often, they are unaware of their origin.  It has started to organize online meetings, each time choosing a surname and inviting those who carry it to get to know it better, its origin, its meaning and its history.

Its online events are publicized on social media, to survey each last name, its personalities, as well as when and who came from Europe. Some of those who approach have never heard of the Basque origin of their last name, others have, but most have never had an opportunity like this before.  During the meeting, various people, some with the surname, report on the family, who many generations ago and from which part of the Basque Country their ancestors arrived in America, photos are shown…

On June 6th, they organized their first online reunion for the Lizarzaburu last name.  The second was just as successful on July 10th, this time for the Berastegi or Verastegui last name that exists with different spellings, and the third is now in progress and will take place the second week of August, on the Kruzalegi, or Cruzalegui last name, details of which will be shared soon.

They work hard at the Trujillo Euskal Etxea.  They do so in auzolan or community work, and they accept help since they are also learning.

Have you thought about organizing something similar at your Basque club? Or would you like to participate in one of their sessions?  Get in touch with them.

Trujilloko Euskal Etxea-Trujillo Basque Club

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