The translation of Bernard Etxepare’s Linguae Vasconum Primitiae into Japanese will be published in December by Tokyo’s Heibonsha Publishing. The translators were Sho Hagio and Hiromi Yoshida who worked from the original Basque text. On another note, Sho Hagio, Japanese Basque professor, will also give two presentations this month entitled, “Euskal lurra, jendea eta hizkuntza,” (Basque Land, People, and Language). The first one will take place at the Asahi Culture Center in Osaka this Saturday, and the second on October 21st in Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan. Linguae Vasconum Primitiae will be divided into three parts in its Japanese version. It will include the translation by Sho Hagio and Hiromi Yoshida, a paratextual explanation by Sho Hagio, a linguistic explanation by Hiromi Yoshida, and a prologue by Ur Apalategi." The book has the support of the Etxepare Basque Institute.
It also should be mentioned that Heibonsha Publishing is one of the most famous publishers in Japan, especially in the field of humanities. This year it is celebrating its 100th anniversary and it published the first general encyclopedia in Japanese from 1931-35.
Presentations in Osaka and Tokyo
Sho Hagio will also be presenting his talk “Basque Land, People, and Language" twice this month in Japan. He is member and advisor of Tokioko Euskal Etxea, the Basque Center in Tokyo.
The first will take place tomorrow, October 4th, at the Asahi Cultural Center in Osaka from 13:00-14:30. After the presentation there will be a gathering at the local Ama Lur restaurant, organized together with Euskal-Japoniar Elkartea, Sociedad Vasco Japonesa.
His second presentation will take place on October 21st at the Tokyo Cervantes Institute, from 14:00-16:00. Following the talk, organizers will provide an aperitif.