Madrid, Spain. The Delegation in Court of the Royal Basque Society of Friends of the Country (RSBAP, Euskalerriaren Lagunen Elkartea) has just published a book on Jose Maria Iparragirre and Basques in Madrid in the 19th century entitled, Iparragirre in the Court. The Gernikako Arbola and the Basques in Madrid in the 19th Century. Its author, Francisco de Paula Garcia, is a journalist and technical secretary at the Delegation in Court of the RSBAP. The work includes a prologue by the Mayor of Urretxu, Iparragirre’s hometown, Jon Luqui Albisua.
Many may not be aware that iparragirre sang “Gernikako Arbola” for the first time in public in Madrid in 1853, accompanied on the piano by Juan Maria de Altuna at the Café y Fonda de San Luis, with some 50 Basques in the audience.
Anyone that would like a copy of the book may request it by emailing: