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The poem “To the Tree of Gernika,” a mention by the jury in the Literary Contest at Beti Aurrera and SADE Chivilcoy


Chivilcoy Literary Contest
Chivilcoy Literary Contest


Chivilcoy, Argentina. The Literary Contest organized by the Beti Aurrera Basque Club and the Argentine Society of Writers (SADE) in Chivilcoy celebrated its 9th edition in 2020. The pandemic hit the interior of the province of Buenos Aires hard with Chivilcoy surpassing a thousand infections; however, that did not prevent the contest from being carried out as usual.  The awards ceremony scheduled for December 13th was cancelled, however winners will receive their prizes in the mail.

Authors and the winning works follow:

-First PrizeAlteration of Love, by Gustavo Rodolfo Díaz Arias (San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán)
-Second PrizeInfinite Lights, by Pablo Sagayo Sselton (José C. Paz, Buenos Aires)
-Third PrizeHeart of Dreams, by Jorge Miguel Juárez Manríquez (Malagueño, Córdoba)

-First Honorable MentionExpired Shells by Susana Beatriz Susana Masci (Chacabuco, Buenos Aires)
-Second Honorable Mention: Untitled, by Mª de los Ángeles ‘Chiqui’ Excoffier (Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires)

-Jury MentionTo the Tree of Gernika, by Nerea Inés Álvarez (Henderson, Buenos Aires)

Beti Aurrera in Chivilcoy was very satisfied with the contest, and with this being its ninth, it is now set on the calendars of writers across the nation.  Even if the theme was open, one of the participants this year, mentioned by the jury, wrote about the Tree of Gernika, symbol of the Basque Country.  We share the poem here:

Al Árbol de Guernica, by Nerea Inés Álvarez   

¡Oh noble árbol!... Monumento sagrado.
Eres símbolo de raza indomable
que te cuida y mantiene perdurable.
Y en tierra vasca, por todos, amado.

De su pueblo, eres parte de la historia
que sufrió por la discriminación.
Y, aún en la guerra civil, exclusión;
aunque supo mantener su alta gloria.

Bendito roble, con eterno brillo,
encarnas poder y amabilidad,
en tu figura de porte sencillo.

Tus ramas son morada de hermandad,
cobijan tradiciones y esperanzas
y representan vida y libertad.

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