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Paris, France. The Paris Basque club has returned from vacation with its new board of directors that is ready to start the new school year with energy and much excitement. The new board is composed of members from the various entities and assocatioans that comprise the Euskal Etxea in Paris. Elected members are:
Steering Committee
-College of Founders and Owners: Marie-Jo Chohobigarat, Robert Curuchet, Sam Ismael, Philippe Lartigue, Arlette Ocafrain, Albert Rouge, Hervé Trinquet.
-College of Associates: Elisabeth Caserta, Delphine Gonzalez, Rowena Larratte, Christophe Maurou, Maria Vieira.
-College of Associations: Mattiu Etcheverry, Florence Griponne, Maitena Lapeyrine, Maryse Lartigue, Thierry Vercambre.
The board of directors was also elected from this committee who will be responsible for the day-to-day dealings of the club for the next two years (except for the president who is elected for a 4-year term).
-President: Sebastian Daguerre
-Vice President: Maryse Lartigue
-Treasurer: Christophe Maurou
-Deputy-Treasurer: Delphine Gonzalez
-Secretary: Elisabeth Caserta
-Secretary Adjunct: Sam Ismael
For more information on the Paris Euskal Etxea go to its website or the magazine Elgar. To subscribe to the magazine send an email.
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