London, England. As in many other places around the world, the Londoners, along with other members of the London Basque Society Euskal Elkartea, have suffered due to the restrictions provoked by COVID-19, even with some of these being lifted at the beginning of July allowing the opening of pubs, and outdoors walks being permitted. With the local Basque calendar cancelled; they weren’t able to celebrate Aberri Eguna, or their film series among other gatherings...none of the club’s usual activities.
The Basque Club is offering an opportunity this Sunday, July 12th, to meet at 5pm on Zoom. This will be very simple, and will be an online meeting to greet each other and let each other know how they are doing, while also addressing future club prospects. Some have even proposed a toast at the end of the meeting and singing “Pobre de mi,” "Gaixoa ni," to mark the end of the San Fermin festivities.
Zoom coordinates for the meeting: 876 2222 0433. No password is required.
London Basque Society - Euskal Elkartea
Oxford House - Derbyshire Street, Bethnal Green
London E2 6HG, UK
Phone: 0207 739 7339
Skype: londonbasquesociety
Follow us @LdnBasque
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