Second from the left, Juan Carlos Ariztegui, newly elected president, at the Euskaro Basque Club’s 2018 general assembly
The Euskaro Basque Club in Montevideo, the oldest still existing in Uruguay founded in 1911, carried out its General Assembly last Monday where among other things, elections for the board of directors was held, now led by Juan Carlos Ariztegui. Other officers include Lucia Goñi (secretary) and Carlos Larregueta (treasurer) among other members. Complete board below.
Montevideo, Uruguay. The General Assembly of the Euskaro Basque Club was held on Monday, May 14th at the clubhouse. At the same, after presenting a summary of the year’s activities including highlights from 2017-2018, the yearly financial report was presented and all passed unanimously.
Afterwards, the following were elected for a two-year term:
-President: Juan Carlos Ariztegui
-Vice-president: Julio García
-Secretary: Lucia Goñi
-Pro Secretary: Marta Perdomo
-Treasurer: Carlos Larragueta
-Pro Treasurer: Maricarmen Latienda
-Librarian: Silvia Ortone
-Directors: Juan Pedro Arin and Baldomero Ansó
-Mauricio Ituarte
-Carolina Ariztegui
-Victoria Sande
-Fabián Orradre
-Carlos Viscarret
-Mariela Ansó
-Victor Lagarreta
-Araceli Enderiz
-Luis Acheritogaray
-Emilio Latorre
-Martin Orradre
-Juan Arin
-José Luis Barrón
-Eduardo Latorre
-Martín De León