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The former Jai Alai Player, Juan Inazio Zulaika, thinks about the situation that pilota is going through today


Juan Inazio Zulaika (photo Andoni Canellada-Foku, Berria)
Juan Inazio Zulaika (photo Andoni Canellada-Foku, Berria)


Donostia-San Sebastián. Curiosity and eagerness to learn do not end.  Not at least in the case of Zulaika II.  Pilotaris are part of our Diaspora family and the Jai Alai player from Gipuzkoa (Andoain, 1956) got to experience important episodes of our history, beyond the seas, and in first person.  Get up close and personal with the past and current reality of frontons, particularly the American ones, including the strike of 88.  Today he commented in his blog about pilota and where it is headed.

Erabat subsidiarioak dira jaialdiak. Diru laguntza horiek gabe, jaialdi batzuk ez dira antolatzen. Beraz, pilota profesionala sehaskara bueltatu da berriz, atzera egin du, bere baitan bildu da, eta diru publikoari esker egiten du aurrera, ezinbesteko produktu bat balitz bezala. Baina noiz arte?

About his experience as witness and protagonist in the history of pilota, about the past and the present of pilota in Euskal Herria, he talks about the latest events that have occurred in the world of pilota, and speaks in this interview published by Berria signed by journalist Enekoitz Telleria Sarriegi.

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