La Plata, Argentina. Number three of this year’s “Eguzkia” published by the Euzko Etxea in La Plata is on the streets, headed by an editorial note entitled, “the Eighth Province,” as the Diaspora in General and in Argentina in particular as an integrant part of Euskal Herria. “It would be an error to limit the Basque Country to its seven historic provinces,” it says vindicating the work done “by Basque descendants that continue to keep their language and culture alive all over the world.”
It also vindicates the thread to the celebration in La Plata of Basque Diaspora Day: “On September 7th we celebrated Day of the Basque Diaspora at our institutions: “we remember the old Basques on this date as the young people arrive, their grandchildren, great-grandchildren to continue feeding the fire of the love of the Old Country.”
Throughout the issue, it review and mentions various events and activities that have taken place at this active Euskal Etxea.
Following are the articles by, section, title and author:
-Euskoargentinarrok: "De Navarra a Buenos Aires" (From Navarre to Buenos Aires) (José J. Saldías)
-Sukaldaritza: "Besugo a la Vasca" (Bream the Basque Way) (María Fernanda Astigarraga)
-Herriko Historia: "La batalla de Mungia" (The Battle of Mungia) (Luis Lúquez Minaberrigaray)
-Zinema: "El Cine Vasco y la Mujer" (Basque Film and Women) (Carlos Gabilondo)
-Euskera: "Ayer y Hoy, las Romerías Vascas" (Yesterday and Today, Basque Dances) (Herminia Navarro and Estefanía Garizoain)
-Ingurunea: "Cambio Climático y Calentamiento global" (Climate Change and Global Warming) (Guillermo L, Villate)
-Liburutegia: "Cortazar: Un mundo propio, un escritor para el mundo" (Cortazar: A World if his Own, a Writer for the World) (Susana Aramburu)
Also included is a poem by Felipe Juaristi, "Txoriek badute beren aberria" and its Spanish version, "Los pájaros tienen su patria". (Birds have homeland)
Eguzkia is made possible thanks to a team comprised of Susana Aramburu, Herminia Navarro, Estefanía Garizoain, José Joaquín Saldias, Ignacio Esquiroz, Guillermo L. Villate, Francisco Arosteguy, Luís Luquez Minaberrigaray, Marcelo Ilarregui and María Fernanda Astigarraga, with editing by Herminia Navarro and graphic desing by Ignacio Esquiroz.
-You can read or download Number 3 of Eguzkia here
- All issues are available here