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The Euzko Etxea in La Plata joins in Basque Diaspora Day launching a new issue of its “Eguzkia” magazine


Number 11 of the magazine “Eguzkia” published quarterly by the Euzko Etxea in La Plata
Number 11 of the magazine “Eguzkia” published quarterly by the Euzko Etxea in La Plata


La Plata, Argentina. Joining in Basque Diaspora Day that will be celebrated this year virtually, during the day and throughout the entire week in Euskadi as well as at Basque clubs and communities around the world, the Euzko Etxea in La Plata has launched #11 of its quarterly magazine Eguzkia, that is now available for free to members and interested persons here. You can find it online and anyone wishing to print it read it or share may do so.

This issue includes the following texts and articles: Editorial (Board of Directors), Upcoming activities (María Fernanda Astigarraga); Past activities (María Fernanda Astigarraga); The Provisional Basque Government in Exile after the Fascist Coup to the Second Republic (Luis Lúquez Minaberrigaray); The Mystery of the Basque Language and a Surprising Discovery (Estefanía Garizoain & Herminia Navarro Hartmann); Loturak: Jaialdi euskal-amerikarrak, Connections: Basque-American Festivals (Maialen Goirizelaia Altuna); Vis a vis Basque (José Joaquín Saldías); Characters from Tango II, the Basque Casimiro Aín (Susana Aramburu); Néstor Basterretxea and the Memory of Ama Lur (Carlos Gabilondo); Beef cheeks or Jaw with Red Wine and Plums (Marita Echave); From the Pandemic to Hope (Guillermo Luis Villate); Sciences, Teaching Science and Ups and Downs of Positivism in the Latin American 19th Century (Dr. Osvaldo Capaninni); and the poem Terra Nova, in Basque and translated to Spanish (Leire Bilbao Berroetabeña).

The editorial board and publishing of Eguzkia is comprised of Susana Aramburu, Herminia Navarro Hartmann, Estefanía Garizoain, José Joquín Saldias, Luis Lúquez Minaberrigaray and Guillermo Villate. Collaborations, María Fernanda Astigarraga, Francisco Arosteguy, Carlos Gabilondo and Nicolás Torres Ressa. Style reviewer, Herminia Navarro Hartmann. And graphic design by DCV Victoria Villate. Thank you everyone for your work and commitment.

-Here is September 2020 issue at this link
-Or all issues of the magazine, here

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