Macachín, Argentina. After a period of remodeling, the Euzko Alkartasuna Hotel, the clubhouse for the Basque club of the same name in Macachin, re-inaugurated its restaurant on April 13th, naming it “Iñaki.” The remodeling, as reported to by those responsible for the hotel, included building improvements in the salon, new decorations and a revised menu. The menu specifically was expanded to include more Basque dishes, creations of Chef Rosa Egoburu, as well as expanding and improving its wine list.
In regards to the selection of its name, Oscar Prosperi, who is in charge of concessions at Euzko Alkartasua, explained that it is a tribute. “We know that restaurants by this name exist in the Basque Country and in Buenos Aires, but in our case, the name is a response to a request to leave a bit of local history behind in the name of Iñaki Unamuno who dedicated his life to the work of promoting and maintaining the Basque culture in Macachin and La Pampa,” he told to local newspaper Letra B.
The inaugural dinner was held in the club’s gym and it gathered 200 guests. To liven up the evening, Leon Gamba from Santa Rosa provided music and performed a show.
Restaurant Iñaki online:,
Facebook: Iñaki Restaurante
Instagram, @inakirestaurant