Corpus Christi, Argentina. The 42nd edition of the Book Fair in Obera took place on July 6th. The Eusko Etxea Basque Club of the neighboring town of Corpus Christu was active at the event thanks to its vice-president, Julio Markiewicz Ferragut, who spoke about Euskal Herria and Olga Leiciaga who presented the books Don Recreo and a CD with children’s songs. Cesar Arrondo also participated giving a talk on the cultural offerings of FEVA “Basque Immigration,” and spoke about his book Hipolito Yrigoyen. Finally, representatives from the Eusko Etxea presented the latest books published by the club: Astonishing Stories form Here and There, Anthologies 2.013/2.014, 2015, 2016 and 2017, History of a Search, and Navarrese Roots.
The local Eusko Etxea also reported that participants in their Fine Arts Workshop coordinated by artist, Valeria Garibotti, successfully completed the Basque mural that now adorns the Basque Plaza.
Finally, while getting ready for the Basque-Argentine and Guarani Culture Festival, July 27-31, the club visited the Guarani community in Ruiz de Montoya in Misiones.