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The Euskel Biotza Basque club in Roldan achieved legal status and will now begin the steps to become part of FEVA


The Euskel Biotza Basque club in Roldan participated in the parade for the city’s 150th anniversary
The Euskel Biotza Basque club in Roldan participated in the parade for the city’s 150th anniversary


The Euskel Biotza Basque club in has gotten some important news over the last few months.  First they represented the local community at two big festivals organized by the city; it achieved Legal Status and now hopes to finish the steps to join FEVA.  In the meantime, it is getting ready for its big San Ignacio celebration, for which it is already working with the youth.  Sabastian Ignacio Martin is, after elections the club’s new president. 

Roldan, Argentina.   The city of Roldan, in the province of Santa Fe, celebrated 150 years since is foundation, in May, and did so by organizing several activities.  Invited by the organizers, members of Euskel Biotza participated in the civil/military parade with the Ikurriña, not only to highlight the Basque presence in the ceremony, but also to make visible the work of the youth in the Euskal Etxea.

Also as part of its anniversary program, the Festival of Communities in Roldan took place on May 21, where the club also was featured with its dantzaris: txikis, intermediates, and adults.  As local Basque representative Gabby Menghi told “We took the stage very proudly…two years ago we only had 5 txiki dancers and currently we have 13.  We are seeing our beloved club grow little by little, and this makes us very happy.”

Legal Status and FEVA

The result of a lot of work over the last few months, the Basque club has now attained Legal Status, recognition that will open new doors for them.  In the words of Menghi, they are satisfied: “We are very happy.  There were a lot of ups and downs with corrections and additions, but like good Basques, we stuck to it, and now we can say that we succeeded.  With this status in hand, we are now registering with FEVA; and last week we sent them all of our documentation, so that in a few days, we will also be done with this step.”

In regards to formalizing the club’s situation, the Euskel Biotza held its General Assembly on May 28 to elect its board.  After the gathering, the new Board of Directors, who is already organizing the San Ignacio festivities, is comprised of the following:

-President: Sebastián Ignacio Martín
-Secretary: Ana Uhart
-Treasurer: María del Carmen Schalch
-Directors: Héctor Rentería, Carlos Rivera, Silvia Novas
-Alternates: Ignacio Escalante, María Dolores Rentería, Agustina Martínez
-Reviewer of Accounts: Laura Martín
-Alternate Reviewer of Accounts: Sebastián Menghi

Congratulations to you all and Zorionak to the club in general for your progress and promising future. 

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