Berlin, Germany. When asked about their evaluation of this year that is coming to a close, Basque clubs around the agree that 2020 was unusual and unprecedented. During these months when the pandemic conditioned all activity, in the case of the Berlin Euskal Etxea, its president, Ainhoa Añorga, stresses in order of importance that those who make up the club are healthy, “even though the numbers are not good, we are,” she told “It has been a very strange year and many of the events that we had planned were cancelled. But we have been able to carry out a few of them online, including our Basque classes,” she said.
In a few days, the Berlin Euskal Etxea will show the film Lurralde hotzak (2018, 66”) by Bizkaian director, Iratxe Fresneda. “We subtitled it in German, and worked with the director to show it online which is key for our members, on Vimeo on January 10th.”
Lurralde hotzak Teaser
Even though it will be shown in January, the Basque club will close its 2020 activities with it, “in hopes that we will be able to resume normal activity next year,” she said.
- Berlin Euskal Etxea website:
- Berlin Euskal Etxea on Facebook: