“Kultur Eragileak” is a series of interviews that were filmed and conducted with well-known cultural figures of Euskadi, where they are asked to reflect on what their cultural heritage is. The Delegation of the Basque Government in Argentina and Mercosur invite the clubs to not only become more familiar with the material but also the opportunity to complement the interviews with video-conferences to talk directly to some of the people who were interviewed.
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Karlos Argiñano, Kirmen Uribe, Toti Martínez de Lezea, Jesús Altuna, Bernardo Atxaga, Kepa Junkera, Iñaki Perurena, Helena Taberna and Urko are some of the distinguished individuals who were interviewed for the “Kultur Eragileak” (Cultural Actors) Series, an initiative by the Basque Government’s Department of Education, Linguistic Policy and Culture as part of the Kultura Ondarea Award that the Delegation of Euskadi for Argentina and Mercosur is presenting to Basque club through this link.
The series of interviews, in Basque and Spanish, gathered under Kultur Eragileak promotes the understanding and reflection on culture in general and Basque culture in particular, and that is why the Delegation invites everyone to become familiar with the material and study these concepts from the ideas, impressions and thoughts of some of the main Basque references in this field. Additionally, while they will facilitate access to these interviews, the delegation has also offered specific activities with the materials, and the ability to hold video-conferences with the Basque Country, allowing conversations with some of these personalities in the Basque Country.
Interested Basque clubs wishing to organize activities associated with these, should contact the Director of Institutional Relations at the Delegation, Mariana Satostegui (marianasatostegui@euskadi.eus), who will be able to provide more information and orient them in regards to the materials use.